WPBakery Page Builder Add-on – Newspaper FlipBook

Wpbakery page builder add-on – newspaper flipbook

WPBakery Page Builder Add-on – Newspaper FlipBook


You can create a book directly from the PDF file. Pdf file is automatically converted to jpg files.


Book can read PDF files without converting to jpg files. Used is an awesome library PDF.js.
PDF.js works in the following browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Opera, IE10+. Limited support for Safari, Android and IE9. For more information click here


You can upload all your pages at once – no need to add each page separately. See here video tutorial.


You can also add pages separately ( you can make also text in wysiwyg editor ). See here video tutorial.


Right to left flpibook for eastern countries.

All Features:

  • pdf support ( you can create a book directly from the PDF file , Pdf file is automatically converted to jpg files )
  • pdf render ( book can read PDF files without converting to jpg files. Used is an awesome library PDF.js )
  • support multiple file upload ( you can upload all your pages at once – no need to add each page separately )
  • works on the iPad,iPhone etc. ( no Flash Player needed )
  • reverse flip book for the eastern countries (right to left)
  • insert scripts in section head – only subpages where is the shortcode flipbook
  • you can disable / enable individual icons in the admin panel
  • you can change the zoom to double click the mouse
  • you can change the zoom step for zoomIn and for zoomOut
  • you can enable / disable deeplinking (string at the end of the browser’s address)
  • responsive design
  • unlimited number of pages in flipbook
  • lazy loading ( if you have a lot of pages – book will load faster, Example 1: If the current page is 8-9 – then are loaded only pages 8-9, 10-11 and 6-7 ; Example 2: If the current page is 1 – then are loaded only pages 1,2,3,4,5,6 )
  • you can create an unlimited number of flipbooks on one theme
  • double pages
  • show all pages
  • excellent tools to zoom
  • and other…
Aktuelle Version 1.4
Zuletzt aktualisiert January 21, 2023
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen
Aktuelle Version 1.4
Zuletzt aktualisiert January 21, 2023
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

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