WordPress Advanced Database Cleaner Premium

Wordpress advanced database cleaner premium

WordPress Advanced Database Cleaner Premium

WordPress Advanced Database Cleaner Premium

The Advanced Database Cleaner is a WordPress plugin that helps you optimize and clean up your website’s database. Over time, your WordPress database can accumulate unnecessary data, such as old revisions, spam comments, trash posts, and more. This can slow down your website and increase the size of your database. The Advanced Database Cleaner plugin offers several features to address this issue:

Key Features:

  1. Database Cleanup:
    • Delete old revisions of posts and pages.
    • Remove old auto drafts.
    • Delete trash posts.
    • Eliminate pending comments.
    • Clean up spam comments.
    • Get rid of trash comments.
    • Remove pingbacks and trackbacks.
    • Delete orphaned post metadata.
    • Remove orphaned comment metadata.
    • Delete orphaned user metadata.
    • Remove orphaned term metadata.
    • Delete orphaned relationships.
    • Clear expired transients.
  2. Scheduled Cleanup:
    • Schedule automatic database cleanups to run at specified intervals (e.g., hourly, daily, weekly).
    • Create multiple scheduled cleanup tasks and define what items should be cleaned during each task.
    • Configure the number of days to keep data before cleaning (e.g., keep only data older than 30 days).
  3. Database Optimization:
    • Optimize database tables to improve performance.
    • Repair corrupted or damaged database tables.
    • Schedule database optimization and repair tasks to run automatically.
  4. Database Management:
    • View database tables information, including the number of rows, table size, and more.
    • Empty specific database table rows.
    • Clean and delete entire database tables.
    • Manage database options by displaying and deleting them.
    • Configure option autoload settings.
  5. User Interface:
    • User-friendly and easy-to-use interface.
    • Filter and search items based on their names or values.
    • Display and view orphaned information before executing cleanup.

Multisite Support:

  • The plugin is compatible with WordPress Multisite installations.
  • Only the super administrator of the main site can view, clean, and optimize the entire network.
  • Cleanup tasks can be performed on specific sites within the network.

Pro Features (Available on the Official Website):

  • Classify options, tables, and cron tasks based on their creators (plugins, themes, or WP core).
  • Detect and delete orphaned options, tables, and cron tasks.
  • Search and filter options, tables, and cron tasks using various criteria.
  • Get premium support for efficient database cleanup.

Using the Advanced Database Cleaner plugin, you can keep your WordPress database clean and optimize its performance. This helps reduce the size of your database, enhance website speed, and maintain a well-organized database structure. The plugin also provides pro features for even more comprehensive database cleanup and management.

Aktuelle Version v3.2.10
Zuletzt aktualisiert September 14, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehenOriginalprodukt & Demo ansehen

 5/5
Aktuelle Version v3.2.10
Zuletzt aktualisiert September 14, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehenOriginalprodukt & Demo ansehen

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  • Dein Warenkorb ist leer.