Flexible Checkout Fields PRO by WpDesk

Flexible checkout fields pro by wpdesk

Flexible Checkout Fields PRO by WpDesk

Flexible Checkout Fields PRO by WpDesk

The Flexible Checkout Fields PRO WooCommerce extension by WPDesk is a powerful tool that enhances the WooCommerce plugin for WordPress by allowing you to easily customize the checkout fields and create a more personalized shopping experience for your customers. Here are some of the key features of this extension:

  1. Edit Default Fields: You can easily edit the default checkout fields, such as changing labels, hiding fields, or deleting them. This gives you full control over the information you collect from customers during the checkout process.
  2. Add Custom Fields: In addition to editing default fields, you can also add your own custom fields to the checkout page. This is valuable for gathering specific information or preferences from customers.
  3. Custom Field Order: You have the flexibility to set the order of your custom fields. This ensures that the checkout process flows smoothly and collects the information in the sequence you prefer.
  4. Various Field Types: The extension offers a variety of field types, including checkboxes, radio buttons, select (drop-down) menus, multi-select fields, date pickers, time pickers, color pickers, headline fields, and HTML or plain text fields. The PRO version includes additional features such as color pickers and more.

By using the Flexible Checkout Fields PRO extension, you can tailor the checkout process to your specific needs and industry. This not only provides a better shopping experience for your customers but also allows you to collect valuable data that can inform your marketing and business strategies.

Overall, this extension simplifies the process of customizing WooCommerce’s checkout fields without the need for complex coding. It’s a valuable tool for online store owners who want to create a more user-friendly and efficient checkout process.

Aktuelle Version 4.0.11
Zuletzt aktualisiert September 5, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

 5/5
Aktuelle Version 4.0.11
Zuletzt aktualisiert September 5, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

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