LearnDash LMS Visual Customizer

Learndash lms visual customizer

LearnDash LMS Visual Customizer

LearnDash Visual Customizer Enhance and customize the LearnDash design.


Custom Designs
Our top notch contrivers have assembled two new templates and five beautiful themes for you to elect from.

Customize Colors and fountain Sizes
Over twenty color selectors so you can insure that LearnDash matches your point color schemes.

Beautiful Icons
Five different icon themes to blend and match powered by FontAwesome.

Upgrade the look of your LearnDash courses. Increase enrollement and completion by elevating the design of your LearnDash courses. Visual Customizer is completely equipped with new LearnDash layouts, bettered stoner experience, enhanced contraptions, five different themes, over twenty color selectors and custom icon sets. Want to make LearnDash your own but do n’t want to bother with custom CSS? Would you like to enhance LearnDash with new custom layouts, custom imagery, icons and estimated times? also LearnDash Visual Customizer is for you! LearnDash Visual Customizer is a decoration LearnDash add– on completely equipped with new course listing shortcodes, a fully new LearnDash interface option, enhanced contraptions and five custom,pre-packaged skins, over twenty color selectors and custom icons sets. Find the skin that stylish fits your courses and control the color scheme so it matches impeccably all without the use of custom law.

Three fresh templates( different layouts for the LearnDash rudiments)
Add fresh assignment and content details like content type, duration and icons
Three new course listing options
Enhanced contraptions
Beautiful login shortcode
Five custompre-packaged skins
20 color selectors
Fontawesome icons
Requires a tone hosted dupe of WordPress4.0 and a dupe of LearnDash LMS

Aktuelle Version 2.3.16
Zuletzt aktualisiert April 27, 2022
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

 5/5
Aktuelle Version 2.3.16
Zuletzt aktualisiert April 27, 2022
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

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