ACF Frontend For Elementor

Acf frontend for elementor

ACF Frontend For Elementor

ACF Frontend for Elementor is a powerful tool that simplifies website management for both web developers and end-users. With this plugin, you can create easily manageable websites that don’t require coding skills or extensive technical knowledge. It seamlessly integrates Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) and Elementor, providing a user-friendly interface for editing, publishing, and managing website content directly from the frontend.

Wesentliche Merkmale:

  1. No Coding Required: ACF Frontend for Elementor eliminates the need for clients or end-users to delve into complex ACF or Elementor documentation. It offers a straightforward, ready-to-use solution for content management.
  2. Edit Posts: Users can edit posts directly from the frontend of their websites, without having to access the WordPress dashboard. This simplifies the content update process.
  3. Add Posts: Users can publish new posts from the frontend using the “new post” action, making it easy to create and publish content.
  4. Edit User Profile: The plugin allows users to easily edit their user data from the frontend, enhancing user profile management.
  5. User Registration Form: You can offer new users the ability to register on your site using a built-in user registration form. This feature even allows you to hide the WordPress dashboard from new users.
  6. Hide Admin Area: Select which users and roles should have access to the WordPress admin area, providing enhanced security and control.
  7. Configure Permissions: Choose who can view and use your form based on user roles or specific users, allowing for fine-grained permission control.
  8. Modal Popup: Display forms in a modal window that opens when a button is clicked, ensuring that they don’t take up unnecessary space on your website pages.
  9. Delete Posts: Users can delete posts directly from the frontend, making content management more convenient.
  10. Style Individual Fields: Use the power of Elementor to style your fields, ensuring a visually appealing form design.

Pro Features:

  1. Edit Global Options: Create an options page using ACF for global data (e.g., header and footer data) and let users edit it from the frontend.
  2. Limit Submissions: Control the number of times users can submit the form to prevent spam or misuse.
  3. Send Emails: Set up email notifications and map form data to display in the email fields, including the email address, from address, subject, and message.
  4. Style Tab: Use Elementor to style the form, modal window, and buttons, ensuring a cohesive design.
  5. Multi-Step Forms: Enhance user engagement by creating multi-step forms for a more interactive user experience.
  6. WooCommerce Integration: Add built-in fields for WooCommerce products, enabling users to add products from the frontend.
  7. Google Recaptcha: Enhance security by protecting forms from spam with Google Recaptcha.
  8. Stripe and PayPal Payments: Accept payments through Stripe upon form submission, providing a seamless transaction experience.
  9. AJAX Submission: Offer users a smooth editing experience with no page reload forms, improving efficiency.

ACF Frontend for Elementor simplifies website management, making it accessible to a wider audience. It’s a valuable tool for web developers and website owners looking to streamline content management, enhance user experiences, and improve website functionality.

Aktuelle Version 3.23.0
Zuletzt aktualisiert September 16, 2024
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 5/5
Aktuelle Version 3.23.0
Zuletzt aktualisiert September 16, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehenOriginalprodukt & Demo ansehen

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