WooLentor Pro – Elementor Woo Builder

Woolentor pro – elementor woo builder

WooLentor Pro – Elementor Woo Builder

WooLentor Pro – Elementor Woo Builder

WooLentor Pro is a WooCommerce add-on designed to work seamlessly with the Elementor Page Builder. With this plugin, you can create customized product pages and archive pages for your WooCommerce store. It offers a range of features to enhance your online store and product presentation. Here are some of the free features provided by WooLentor Pro:

  1. WooCommerce Template Builder (Basic): Create custom product pages and archive pages with this feature.
  2. Product Grid: Display products in a grid layout.
  3. Product Slider: Showcase products in a slider format.
  4. Product Tab: Organize and display products in tabbed sections.
  5. Action Buttons in Different Positions: Add action buttons like “Add to Cart” in various positions on your product pages.
  6. Sale/Discount Schedule Counter: Display real-time countdowns for sales and discounts.
  7. Enable/Disable Product Gallery: Choose to enable or disable the product gallery.
  8. Unlimited Color and Font Variations: Customize your product pages with unlimited color and font options.
  9. Slider Control Options: Control the behavior and appearance of product sliders.
  10. Sales Notification (Real): Show real-time sales notifications to create a sense of urgency.
  11. Sales Notification (Custom): Customize sales notifications to fit your brand.
  12. Rename Labels: Modify product labels to match your store’s terminology.
  13. Call for Price: Display a “Call for Price” option on product pages.
  14. Suggest Price: Allow customers to suggest their own price for products.
  15. Special Day Offer Banner: Highlight special offers and promotions with banners.
  16. Product QR Code: Generate QR codes for your products.
  17. Custom Product Template Builder: Build unique product templates.
  18. Product Grid (Curvy): Create product grids with a curved layout.
  19. Product Accordion Listing: List products in an accordion format.
  20. Product Image Accordion: Showcase product images in an accordion style.
  21. Shop Page Builder: Build custom shop pages with Elementor.
  22. Ajax Search Widget: Add an Ajax search widget for quick and dynamic product searches.
  23. Ajax Add to Cart (In Product Detail Page): Enable Ajax-based add-to-cart functionality.
  24. Horizontal Filter Demo: Display product filters in a horizontal layout.
  25. Vertical Filter Demo: Show product filters in a vertical layout.
  26. Template Library (Basic): Access a library of basic templates.
  27. Free WooCommerce Themes: Compatible with various free WooCommerce themes.

WooLentor Pro offers a wide range of tools and options to enhance your WooCommerce store’s product presentation, user experience, and customization.

Aktuelle Version 2.4.9
Zuletzt aktualisiert September 16, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

Aktuelle Version 2.4.9
Zuletzt aktualisiert September 16, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

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Am beliebtesten

  • Dein Warenkorb ist leer.