Free Gifts for WooCommerce

Free gifts for woocommerce

Free Gifts for WooCommerce

The Free Gifts for WooCommerce plugin provides multiple ways to offer free gifts to your customers, simplifying the process of gifting within your online store. Here’s a detailed breakdown of its features and functionalities:

1. Rule-Based Gifting

  • Automatic Gifts: Set rules to automatically add free gifts to the user’s cart based on specific criteria.
  • Manual Gifts: Manually select and offer free gifts to customers.

2. Buy X Get Y (Buy One Get One)

  • Automatically add gifts: Set rules where users can buy a specific product and receive another product as a free gift.

3. Coupon-Based Free Gifts

  • Coupon activation: Users apply specific coupons to their cart to receive free gifts based on predefined rules.

4. Customizable Criteria for Gifting

  • Flexible criteria: Allocate gifts based on cart sub-total, order total, category total, brand total, points earned, cart quantity, and more.
  • Restriction options: Control gift eligibility based on validity, days of the week, maximum gifts, order count, and user purchase history.

5. Extensive Filtering and Notifications

  • Filters for products and users: Define filters to target specific customers for gift offerings.
  • Eligibility notices: Notify customers about their eligibility to receive free gifts.

6. Shipping and Display Options

  • Shipping cost options: Configure whether shipping costs apply to free gift products.
  • Visibility control: Hide gift products on shop and category pages if needed.

7. User Interaction and Checkout Options

  • User selection: Let customers choose their awarded gifts during checkout.
  • Display modes: Offer gift selections through inline or popup displays with various visual types like tables, carousels, or dropdowns.

8. Administration and Management

  • Customizable labels and messages: Personalize frontend messages via localization settings.
  • Logging and notifications: Keep track of gift product additions and send emails for manually awarded gifts.

9. Developer Support

  • REST API compatibility: Integration support for developers using the WooCommerce REST API.

The Free Gifts for WooCommerce plugin provides a comprehensive and versatile solution for managing and offering free gifts to customers based on rules, criteria, and customer interactions within your WooCommerce store.

Aktuelle Version 11.5.0
Zuletzt aktualisiert September 16, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

 5/5
Aktuelle Version 11.5.0
Zuletzt aktualisiert September 16, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

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Am beliebtesten

  • Dein Warenkorb ist leer.