WooCommerce Frontend Manager – Group and Staff

Woocommerce frontend manager – group and staff

WooCommerce Frontend Manager – Group and Staff

WooCommerce Frontend Manager – Groups & Staff is a powerful tool designed to enhance control over vendors, managers, and staff in a multi-vendor marketplace. It simplifies vendor management by enabling categorization, staff assignments, and custom capabilities, allowing you to create a more organized and efficient marketplace. Here’s a breakdown of its features:

Key Features

  1. Group Manager for Vendors:
    • Categorize vendors into different groups based on their requirements.
    • Assign unique capabilities to each vendor group for a tailored experience.
    • Vendors have a clean, personalized dashboard that shows only the features relevant to their business (e.g., a cake seller won’t see a booking calendar).
    • Vendors can belong to multiple groups and receive combined capabilities from all their assigned groups.
  2. Advanced Capability Manager:
    • Provides a powerful and flexible way to control vendor, shop manager, and shop staff permissions.
    • Assign and manage different sets of capabilities for each user type, including group and individual user-specific capabilities.
    • Allows store admins to have complete control over users without hassle.
  3. Staff Manager:
    • Vendors can create their own group of staff and assign them different capabilities specific to their store.
    • Each staff member can have tailored roles and responsibilities, making it easy for vendors to manage their operations.
    • This feature adds a layer of flexibility for multi-vendor stores by allowing vendors to have their team members help manage the store.
  4. Shop Manager Control:
    • Admins can assign shop managers to take over store management duties.
    • Full control over shop manager capabilities, allowing the store admin to delegate tasks without losing control over important functionalities.


  • Efficient Vendor Management: Categorizing vendors into groups ensures each vendor only has access to the tools they need, reducing clutter and confusion.
  • Flexible Staff Management: Vendors can run their businesses more effectively by assigning different roles to staff members, helping to scale operations.
  • Streamlined Store Operations: Store admins can delegate tasks to shop managers and staff, ensuring smooth day-to-day operations without needing direct oversight all the time.
  • Customizable Permissions: Advanced capability management means you can fine-tune permissions for every user role, ensuring everyone only has access to what they need.

Use Cases

  • Multi-Vendor Marketplaces: Ideal for large multi-vendor sites that require extensive control over vendor capabilities, such as differentiating between product types, services, or store needs.
  • Complex Vendor Relationships: If your marketplace requires vendors to belong to different groups or needs specific capabilities for each vendor, this plugin provides an effective solution.
  • Vendor-Specific Teams: Vendors with their own staff can manage their team’s access and capabilities, ensuring smooth internal operations.

With WooCommerce Frontend Manager – Groups & Staff, turning a standard multi-vendor marketplace into a more segmented, controlled, and efficient operation becomes easier, giving both admin and vendors the flexibility to manage stores more effectively.

Aktuelle Version 6.7.5
Zuletzt aktualisiert September 6, 2024
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Aktuelle Version 6.7.5
Zuletzt aktualisiert September 6, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

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