Ultimate Affiliate Pro

Ultimate affiliate pro

Ultimate Affiliate Pro

Ultimate Affiliate Pro

Ultimate Affiliate Pro is a cutting-edge Affiliate WordPress Plugin that’s available for free and provides a comprehensive platform for your affiliates with various rewards and earnings, including rank-based rewards and special offers. It’s a game-changing plugin that offers an exceptional business management experience, even for those without programming or technical expertise.

Key Features of the Ultimate Affiliate Pro Plugin

  • Ranks with Achievements: Set up different ranks for your affiliates with associated achievements.
  • Unlimited Affiliates: There’s no limit to the number of affiliates you can have.
  • Custom Amount: Customize the affiliate earnings based on specific criteria.
  • Special Offers: Provide unique offers and incentives to your affiliates.
  • Multi-level Marketing: Implement multi-level marketing structures for your affiliate program.
  • Lifetime Commissions: Affiliates earn commissions for the lifetime of referred customers.
  • Performance Bonuses: Reward affiliates for achieving specific performance milestones.
  • Banners Management: Manage and display affiliate banners effectively.
  • PayPal Payouts: Easily handle payouts through PayPal.
  • Stripe Payouts: Manage payouts seamlessly with Stripe integration.
  • Recurring Referrals: Recognize ongoing commissions for recurring payments.
  • Allow Own Referrals: Affiliates can earn from their own referrals.
  • Signup Referrals: Reward affiliates for recruiting new members.
  • Social Share: Encourage affiliates to share content on social media.
  • OptIn Integration: Integration with opt-in forms for lead generation.
  • Landing Commission: Reward affiliates based on landing page performance.
  • Wallet: Manage earnings and transactions with an affiliate wallet.
  • Affiliate Coupons: Enable affiliates to use unique coupons.
  • Affiliate Custom Slug: Customize affiliate links for a more personalized touch.
  • Friendly Affiliate Links: Create user-friendly affiliate links.
  • Fair Checkout Reward: Reward affiliates for fair and honest checkout practices.
  • BuddyPress Account Page: Integration with BuddyPress for account management.
  • WooCommerce Account Page: Seamlessly manage accounts through WooCommerce.
  • Custom Currency: Use a currency of your choice for transactions.
  • Top Affiliates: Recognize and showcase top-performing affiliates.
  • Custom Fields Form: Customize the affiliate registration form with additional fields.
  • Account Page: A dedicated account page for affiliates.
  • Affiliate Info: Provide affiliates with detailed information and statistics.
  • Translation Ready: The plugin supports translation into multiple languages.
  • Reports: Access detailed reports and analytics for your affiliate program.
  • Notifications: Keep affiliates informed with notifications.

Ultimate Affiliate Pro is a versatile and user-friendly plugin that empowers you to create and manage a successful affiliate program with ease. It offers a wide range of features to help you reward and motivate your affiliates, track their performance, and grow your business effectively.



Aktuelle Version v9.0
Zuletzt aktualisiert July 25, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen
 5/5
Aktuelle Version v9.0
Zuletzt aktualisiert July 25, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

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WordPress wendet die GPL/GNU-Lizenz auf ALLE Plugins und Themes an, die von Drittanbietern für WordPress erstellt wurden. Die GPL-Lizenz bedeutet, dass jedes für WordPress geschriebene Skript und seine Derivate frei sein müssen (einschließlich aller Plugins und Themes). Da wir alle Artikel direkt von den Autoren kaufen und sie an die Öffentlichkeit weitergeben, können wir unglaublich niedrige Preise für offizielle Artikel anbieten. Der Preis ist ein einmaliger Preis für vollen Zugang, keine wiederkehrende Zahlung. Der Original-Autoren-Support ist beim Kauf über WPGlobalMarket nicht enthalten. Sie erhalten nur die Datei.

Am beliebtesten

  • Dein Warenkorb ist leer.