Solid Affiliate – Affiliate For Woocommerce

Solid affiliate - affiliate for woocommerce

Solid Affiliate – Affiliate For Woocommerce

Solid Affiliate is a powerful plugin designed specifically for WooCommerce that enables you to create and manage an effective affiliate program for your online store. Below is an overview of the main features and functionalities offered by Solid Affiliate:

Wesentliche Merkmale:

  1. Easy Installation and Setup:
    • Quickly install the plugin and set up your affiliate program with an intuitive setup wizard, allowing you to define commission structures and settings tailored to your business needs.
  2. Affiliate Registration and Approval:
    • Provide affiliates with a dedicated registration page where they can sign up to join your program. Admin approval ensures high-quality affiliates are onboarded.
  3. Partner-Portal:
    • Each affiliate gains access to a personalized portal containing referral links, marketing assets (such as banners and videos), and performance analytics.
  4. Referral Links and Coupons:
    • Affiliates can generate unique referral links and associate them with WooCommerce coupons, earning commissions for referred purchases.
  5. Commission Flexibility:
    • Set flexible commission rates based on product types, affiliates, or order totals. Supports lifetime commissions, recurring referrals, and automatic commissions for specific products.
  6. Real-Time Reporting:
    • Monitor affiliate performance and track referrals, visits, and payouts in real-time with detailed analytics and intuitive charts.
  7. Payout Management:
    • Easily pay affiliates directly from the WordPress dashboard using PayPal integration. Supports manual payouts and store credit options.
  8. Advanced Features (Pro-max):
    • Enhanced features include analytics for data-driven decisions, automated affiliate onboarding, and customizable affiliate registration forms.

Additional Add-ons (Built-in):

  1. Affiliate Landing Pages:
    • Create personalized landing pages for affiliates to promote without using referral links.
  2. Auto-register New Users as Affiliates:
    • Automatically enroll new users as affiliates upon registration, streamlining the onboarding process.
  3. Exclude Payment Gateway Referrals:
    • Exclude specific payment gateways from generating referrals to refine commission calculations.
  4. Store Credits:
    • Implement a store credit system for affiliates, allowing them to receive commissions in store credit for future purchases.
  5. Auto-create Coupons for Affiliates:
    • Automatically generate WooCommerce coupons for approved affiliates to incentivize referrals.
  6. Data Export:
    • Export affiliate program data in CSV format for further analysis and integration with external tools.


  • Benutzerfreundliches Interface:
    • Solid Affiliate offers an intuitive dashboard and setup wizard, making it easy for store owners to manage affiliate programs without technical expertise.
  • Customizable and Scalable:
    • Tailor commission rates, referral structures, and program settings to suit your business requirements and scale your affiliate program over time.
  • Enhanced Affiliate Experience:
    • Affiliates benefit from a dedicated portal, personalized assets, and transparent analytics, motivating them to drive more sales and referrals.

Solid Affiliate empowers WooCommerce store owners to leverage affiliate marketing effectively, fostering growth, increasing conversions, and maximizing revenue through strategic partnerships with affiliates.

Aktuelle Version v2.0.0
Zuletzt aktualisiert May 12, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

Aktuelle Version v2.0.0
Zuletzt aktualisiert May 12, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

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Am beliebtesten

  • Dein Warenkorb ist leer.