Selfer – Minimal Personal Portfolio WordPress Theme

Selfer - minimal personal portfolio wordpress theme

Selfer – Minimal Personal Portfolio WordPress Theme

Selfer is a sleek, mobile-first WordPress theme designed specifically for personal portfolios. Ideal for designers, developers, coders, freelancers, architects, and creative individuals, Selfer stands out with its dark background and smooth interaction animations, creating a unique and comfortable user experience.

Key Features

  • Creative Design: Emphasizes a dark background with gentle animations for a unique portfolio presentation.
  • Fully Responsive: Optimized for mobile devices and tablets, ensuring a seamless experience across all screen sizes.
  • Elementor Compatibility: Built with Elementor, featuring 22+ ready-made widgets for easy drag-and-drop customization.
  • Premium Plugin Support: Compatible with Grid, Elementor, and Contact Form 7 for enhanced functionality.
  • One-Click Demo Install: Quickly set up your site with pre-made demos.
  • Extensive Typography and Color Options: Customize fonts and colors to match your personal style.
  • Portfolio and Service Features: Includes single page, custom link, popup options, and sorting features for portfolios and services.

Upcoming Features

  • More Portfolio Pages: Additional single portfolio page templates to enhance usability.
  • Service Page Options: Choice between AJAX-based or traditional service page links.
  • New Portfolio Layouts: Integration of archive portfolio layouts and customizable permalink structures.


  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Ready: Ensures compliance with data protection regulations.
  • Metabox Tools: Advanced options for posts, pages, services, and portfolios.
  • GIF Support: Ability to include GIF images in your portfolio.
  • Multipage and One-Page Layouts: Flexibility to create either multipage or one-page websites.
  • Sidebar Widget Areas: Customizable sidebars for additional content and widgets.
  • Advanced Blog Features: Includes an advanced blog with Gutenberg compatibility and multiple layouts.
  • Unlimited Colors/Skins: Customize the look and feel of your site with unlimited color options.


  • Page Preloader: Enhances user experience with smooth loading animations.
  • Optimized Page Speed: Ensures fast loading times for better user engagement and SEO performance.
  • Regular Updates: Continuous improvements and new features to keep your site up-to-date.
  • Professional Support: Access to expert technical support for any issues or queries.


  • Elementor: Built with the popular page builder for easy customization.
  • Gutenberg Ready: Compatible with the Gutenberg block editor.
  • Customizer Ready: Extensive customization options via the WordPress Customizer.

Selfer is a robust and flexible theme designed to create stunning, professional personal portfolios. With its extensive customization options, advanced features, and responsive design, it provides everything you need to showcase your creative work effectively.

Aktuelle Version v2.0.3
Zuletzt aktualisiert May 20, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

Aktuelle Version v2.0.3
Zuletzt aktualisiert May 20, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

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