PublishPress Planner Pro

Publishpress planner pro

PublishPress Planner Pro

The PublishPress Planner Pro is a robust tool designed to streamline content planning and management within WordPress. Here’s a detailed breakdown of its key features:

  1. Content Calendar: Visualize planned and published content via a calendar view. Easily create new content and rearrange publication dates through drag-and-drop functionality.
  2. Notifications: Keep your team informed about critical content changes. Control the timing, recipients, and specifics of notifications.
  3. Content Overview: Access an organized view of content by status, categories, or users. Obtain printable overviews of planned content with the click of a button.
  4. Editorial Metadata: Keep track of essential content requirements by creating and managing fields to store information about content items.
  5. Editorial Comments: Facilitate private conversations between writers and editors within each post, enabling discussions and change suggestions pre-publication.
  6. Reminder Notifications: Set up notifications before or after the publishing date for content to ensure timely action.
  7. Slack Integration: Seamlessly integrate notifications with Slack, allowing direct communication and interaction with notifications sent to Slack channels, even enabling replies without logging into WordPress.

Additional features offered in PublishPress Planner Pro:

  • User Roles Customization: Easily create and manage user roles.
  • Dashboard Widgets: Access informative widgets for quick insights.
  • Notification Logs: Track and review notification history.
  • Export Calendar to Google Calendar: Synchronize your content calendar with Google Calendar.
  • Follow Interesting Content: Monitor content that’s of interest to you.
  • Post Meta in Notifications: Utilize post metadata in notifications for detailed information.
  • Branding and Ads Removal: Remove PublishPress branding and ads from your experience.
  • Priority Support: Access personalized and priority support for smoother operation and assistance.

This plugin suite is tailored to enhance collaboration, streamline content planning, and ensure a more organized and effective workflow for WordPress sites focused on publishing high-quality content.

Aktuelle Version 4.5.0
Zuletzt aktualisiert September 17, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen
 5/5
Aktuelle Version 4.5.0
Zuletzt aktualisiert September 17, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

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