Openpos WooCommerce Point Of Sale(POS)

Openpos woocommerce point of sale(pos)

Openpos WooCommerce Point Of Sale(POS)

The Openpos WooCommerce Point of Sale (POS) plugin seems to be an extensive and versatile tool for WooCommerce-based businesses, transforming online stores into comprehensive retail systems with powerful in-store selling capabilities. Here’s a detailed breakdown of its features:

Business Versatility:

  • Multi-purpose Use: Supports various business types such as retailers, grocery stores, cafes, restaurants, salons, hospitals, supermarkets, and more.
  • Specific Modes: Tailored modes for different businesses like retail, restaurant/cafe, salon, with specific features like table management, kitchen view screen, and more.

Functionality and Integration:

  • Seamless WooCommerce Integration: Hosted in the same place as your WooCommerce store, no monthly fees.
  • Inventory Management: Includes features for stock adjustments, multi-warehousing, real-time sync of table order data, and stock overviews.
  • Barcode Compatibility: Supports various barcode scanners and devices, including auto-detection of barcode input.

Sales and Checkout Process:

  • Product Handling: Easy addition of products via barcode scanning, search by name/SKU, and even scanning by camera.
  • Payment Flexibility: Multiple payment methods, split payments, and checkout with various WooCommerce gateways.
  • Cash Management: Track and manage cash flow efficiently.

Additional Features:

  • Progressive Web App (PWA): Provides a fast, integrated, and reliable experience similar to native apps.
  • Report Generation: Tracks transactions and sales, manages active login sessions, and supports various operations like refunds, exchanges, LayBuy, and more.
  • Offline Mode: Allows functioning in offline mode when necessary.

Customizability and Extensibility:

  • Flexible Functionality: Ability to extend and manage the code easily for customized requirements.
  • Camera Barcode/QR Code Scanner: Utilizes a secure connection for barcode/QR code scanning via the camera.
  • Session Control: Allows cashiers to log off without losing the working session and ensures data security.

Openpos appears to offer a comprehensive suite of features catering to a wide array of retail businesses, empowering users to manage sales, inventory, and transactions efficiently, both online and in physical stores. The plugin’s adaptability and numerous functionalities make it a robust choice for WooCommerce store owners looking to enhance their in-store selling capabilities.

Aktuelle Version 7.1.0 + Addons
Zuletzt aktualisiert September 13, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

 5/5
Aktuelle Version 7.1.0 + Addons
Zuletzt aktualisiert September 13, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

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Am beliebtesten

  • Dein Warenkorb ist leer.