Ninja Forms Layout and Styles

Ninja forms layout and styles

Ninja Forms Layout and Styles

If you’re seeking a straightforward method to customize form styles, create form columns effortlessly, and make layout adjustments without delving into code, Ninja Forms Layout & Styles is the solution you need. This plugin allows you to make simple edits to your form’s style and layout directly within your form builder.

Wesentliche Merkmale:

  1. Drag and Drop Fields:
    • Easily rearrange fields using drag-and-drop functionality to create multi-column forms.
  2. Group Fields:
    • Group fields together for improved organization and visual appeal.
  3. Field Styling and Sizing:
    • Adjust the styling and size of individual fields directly from the field’s settings.
  4. Background and Borders:
    • Modify the form’s background, borders, and more with easy-to-use editing options.
  5. Global Form Styling:
    • Edit the styling for all forms globally to maintain a consistent design across your site.
  6. Intuitive Interface:
    • Benefit from a user-friendly interface that simplifies the form layout and styling process.
  7. Two-Column Forms and More:
    • Create two-column forms or multi-column layouts effortlessly by dragging and dropping fields.

Why Choose Ninja Forms Layout & Styles:

  • Effortless Form Editing: Make form layout and styling adjustments without the need for manual code editing.
  • Time-Saving Drag-and-Drop: Save time by using drag-and-drop functionality for easy field rearrangement.
  • Visual Organization: Group related fields together for improved visual organization and user experience.
  • Global Styling Control: Maintain a consistent design across all forms with global styling options.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Enjoy an intuitive and user-friendly interface for a hassle-free editing experience.

With Ninja Forms Layout & Styles, you have the tools to enhance the appearance and structure of your forms without the complexities of manual coding. Whether you’re creating two-column forms, adjusting field sizes, or refining the overall styling, this plugin provides a convenient and efficient solution for form layout and style customization.

Aktuelle Version 3.0.29
Zuletzt aktualisiert 7. September 2021
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

 5/5
Aktuelle Version 3.0.29
Zuletzt aktualisiert 7. September 2021
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

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