Massive Addons for WPBakery Page Builder

Massive addons for wpbakery page builder

Massive Addons for WPBakery Page Builder

Massive Addons for WPBakery Page Builder
Massive Addons – Uber Visual Composer Extension

Hello, in May 2015 we’ve set out to produce The Stylish Visual musician addon with all the bells and hisses that you anticipate from similar package. After 8 months we’ve ended up with Massive Addons and we suppose it’s stupendousLearn each about it below, and thank you for your interest!

We’re working as contrivers and inventors for over a decade, you can say we know our way around the web Visual musician is our go to runner builder for times and that’s why we know it’s advantages and downsides. At the morning we’ve delved what’s wrong with current addon packages and VC itself. utmost of the packages are slowheavy weight and doesn’t look good. Each time you want to change commodity you need to go through tons of settings to achieve the same look. There’s no easy way to fluently produce stuff with many clicks and that got us allowing.

We came up with Presets. principally presets are “ templates ” of styles & layouts for your shortcodes. With presets you can recreate any layout anywhere on the website with just one click. Of course you can produce your own presets, edit the figure in package( there are over 1700 presets) or cancel those you don’t need presently.

But this was n’t our nur supposition. It had to be easy to useprestodependable eye– catching. To give our druggies full control we’ve created lots of settings, but we also wanted it to look welcoming and simple. That’s why we’ve created Easy Mode. It displays nur the necessary settings and hides the rest. We created the easiest workflow possible cargo preset, change( for illustration) content, save and you’re done.

Optimization was also a crucial supposition. We’ve spent a lot of time on it and scored an “ A ” grade on gTmetrix with nearly 100 score.

Aktuelle Version v2.4.8.1
Zuletzt aktualisiert January 3, 2024
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Aktuelle Version v2.4.8.1
Zuletzt aktualisiert January 3, 2024
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