Independent Analytics Pro

Independent analytics pro

Independent Analytics Pro

Independent Analytics Pro is the ultimate WordPress analytics plugin, offering a wide range of powerful features to help you track and analyze your website’s performance. From beautiful dashboards to advanced reporting tools, Independent Analytics Pro has everything you need to gain valuable insights into your site’s traffic and user behavior.

Wesentliche Merkmale:

  1. Campaign Links: Create and track custom campaign URLs to monitor the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.
  2. Real-time Analytics: Get real-time insights into how many people are currently visiting your site and which pages they’re viewing.
  3. WooCommerce Analytics: Analyze your WooCommerce store’s performance and identify your most profitable marketing channels.
  4. Email Reports: Receive monthly HTML email reports directly in your inbox, keeping you updated on your site’s performance without having to log in.

Additional Free Features:

  • Filtering: Dig deeper into your data with powerful filtering options, allowing you to analyze your content, traffic sources, and more.
  • Sorting: Sort data tables by any column to quickly identify pages with high bounce rates or rapidly growing traffic sources.
  • Quick Stats: View your site’s most important metrics and track changes over time.
  • Custom Date Ranges: Choose from pre-selected date ranges or manually select any date range to review your data.
  • Customizable Table Columns: Enable metrics and properties like visitors growth, post categories, and more for comprehensive analysis.
  • Admin Toolbar Stats: Check the admin toolbar to see recent views for any post or page on your site.
  • Average Session Duration: Determine how long visitors spend on your site and which referrers send the most engaged traffic.
  • Bounce Rate: Identify the percentage of visitors who leave your site after viewing only one page.
  • Views per Session: Track the number of pages visitors view during each session on your site.
  • Visitors & Views Growth: Monitor the growth (or decline) of your pages, referrers, and geolocations.
  • Author Data: Analyze your content by author to see whose content performs the best.
  • Page Type Data: Filter and analyze your content by post type for targeted insights.
  • Ignore User Roles: Exclude traffic from admins and editors while counting views from logged-in subscribers.
  • Landing Pages: Identify your top landing pages based on entrance metrics.
  • CSV Exporting: Customize your data and instantly download it to CSV for further analysis.
  • PDF Downloads: Download any report as a PDF with just two clicks.
  • Share Analytics Access: Grant analytics access to non-admin users with ease.

With Independent Analytics Pro, you’ll have all the tools you need to optimize your website’s performance and drive success.

Aktuelle Version 2.8.6
Zuletzt aktualisiert September 17, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

 5/5
Aktuelle Version 2.8.6
Zuletzt aktualisiert September 17, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

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Warum so billig?

WordPress wendet die GPL/GNU-Lizenz auf ALLE Plugins und Themes an, die von Drittanbietern für WordPress erstellt wurden. Die GPL-Lizenz bedeutet, dass jedes für WordPress geschriebene Skript und seine Derivate frei sein müssen (einschließlich aller Plugins und Themes). Da wir alle Artikel direkt von den Autoren kaufen und sie an die Öffentlichkeit weitergeben, können wir unglaublich niedrige Preise für offizielle Artikel anbieten. Der Preis ist ein einmaliger Preis für vollen Zugang, keine wiederkehrende Zahlung. Der Original-Autoren-Support ist beim Kauf über WPGlobalMarket nicht enthalten. Sie erhalten nur die Datei.

Am beliebtesten

  • Dein Warenkorb ist leer.