Demo My WordPress – Temporary WordPress Install Creator

Demo my wordpress – temporary wordpress install creator

Demo My WordPress – Temporary WordPress Install Creator

Demo My WordPress is a powerful plugin designed to let potential customers fully experience WordPress products, both on the backend and frontend, through temporary demo sites. It allows users to explore themes, plugins, and features in a dedicated, isolated environment, ensuring no interference between demos. This tool is perfect for showcasing WordPress products to users without risk or disruption.

Wesentliche Merkmale:

  1. Dedicated and Isolated Demo Sites:
    • Each customer gets their own dedicated demo site, hosted separately to prevent conflicts between users.
  2. Ability to Use Plugins:
    • Customers can fully use any plugins in the demo environment, helping them better appreciate the features and quality of your product.
  3. Template Cloning:
    • Create a “template” demo site with all your desired settings and functionalities. Each new demo site automatically clones this template, ensuring consistency across all demos.
  4. Shortcode Form for Easy Access:
    • Use a shortcode to add a demo generator form anywhere on your website. This form allows users to create their own demo site instantly.
  5. Automatic Demo Cleanup:
    • Automatically clear generated demo websites at intervals you define, ensuring your system stays clean and efficient.
  6. NOINDEX Demo Pages:
    • Set generated demo pages as NOINDEX to avoid affecting SEO or search engine rankings.
  7. Multisite Install Compatibility:
    • Requires WordPress Multisite setup for managing and creating demo environments. Each new demo site is a clone of the main multisite install.
  8. Tutorials and Updates:
    • Includes a tutorial video for setting up multisite installs and cloning the main site. Version 1.0.5 introduced the ability to clone the main site for new demo websites.


  • Complete Product Experience: Let potential customers explore and test your WordPress themes or plugins in an unrestricted environment.
  • Simplified Demo Management: Set up once, and let the plugin handle the creation, management, and cleanup of demo sites.
  • Customization & Flexibility: Use the shortcode to place the demo generator on any post, page, or widget area, giving you flexibility in where users can access the demo.

Demo My WordPress is an excellent tool for WordPress developers or companies to showcase their products by offering hands-on, fully-functional demos, ultimately increasing product understanding and sales.

Aktuelle Version 1.1.0
Zuletzt aktualisiert September 6, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen
Aktuelle Version 1.1.0
Zuletzt aktualisiert September 6, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

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