


ConsentMagic is a comprehensive WordPress plugin designed to help website owners comply with legal requirements regarding tracking, cookies, and user consent, particularly under regulations like GDPR and CCPA. This plugin offers a range of features to manage consent effectively and respectfully, tailored to various visitor preferences and legal jurisdictions.

Wesentliche Merkmale:

  1. Google Consent Mode V2 Integration:
    • Utilize Google Consent Mode V2 to manage consent for tags fired by plugins like PixelYourSite, GTM, Google Analytics, and more.
    • Ensure that Google tags behave appropriately based on user consent status, preventing data tracking before consent is given.
  2. Geo-Targeted Rules:
    • Display specific consent messages based on visitors’ geographic locations to comply with regional privacy laws.
  3. Automated Script and Cookie Blocking:
    • Automatically block tracking scripts and cookies until users provide consent, preventing unauthorized data collection.
  4. Cookies & Script Scanner:
    • Scan your website for tracking scripts and cookies, providing transparency to visitors about data collection practices.
  5. Multilingual Support:
    • Front-end text is translated into 25 languages, supporting international audiences and compatible with WordPress multilingual plugins.
  6. Flexible Consent Options:
    • Customize consent banners and options based on different consent types, allowing users to opt-out or select specific categories of scripts and cookies.
  7. Google Fonts and GDPR Compliance:
    • Detect Google Fonts usage on your website, inform visitors about its impact on privacy, and offer alternatives like locally hosted fonts.
    • Ensure that Google Fonts API usage complies with GDPR regulations to protect user data.
  8. Integrated with PixelYourSite Plugin:
    • Seamlessly integrate with PixelYourSite and other popular plugins to manage consent parameters for Google Analytics, Google Ads, and more.
  9. Consent Mode Instead of Blocking:
    • Rather than blocking Google tags entirely, ConsentMagic implements Consent Mode to adjust tag behavior based on user consent status, maintaining GDPR compliance.
  10. Manual Script and Cookie Management:
    • Manually add or configure scripts and cookies as needed, allowing fine-grained control over tracking and data collection practices.

ConsentMagic is a valuable tool for WordPress website owners seeking to enhance privacy compliance while maintaining user trust and engagement. By providing clear consent options, automated blocking features, and integration with popular analytics tools, this plugin simplifies the process of managing user consent and maintaining legal compliance in the digital landscape.

Aktuelle Version v3.3.2
Zuletzt aktualisiert May 14, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

Aktuelle Version v3.3.2
Zuletzt aktualisiert May 14, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

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