Blog2Social Premium – Social Media Auto Post and Scheduler

Blog2social premium – social media auto post and scheduler

Blog2Social Premium – Social Media Auto Post and Scheduler

Blog2Social Premium – Social Media Auto Post and Scheduler

Blog2Social Premium is a social media automation tool for WordPress websites and blogs. It offers a wide range of features to help you efficiently manage and schedule your social media posts across various platforms. Here are some key features of Blog2Social Premium:

Cross Posting: You can cross-share your content on multiple social media platforms simultaneously. The plugin allows you to create network selections for quick and easy access to your most popular social media accounts.

Auto Posting: Automatically share your WordPress posts at the time of publishing or schedule them for a specific time in the future.

Social Media Posts: Share content not only from your website posts or pages but also from any text, link, image, video, or RSS feed. This feature enables you to curate and share content from various sources on your social media channels.

Publish and Share Video Files: You can publish and share video content directly from your media library on video platforms and social networks.

Social Media Calendar: Keep track of your scheduled social media posts, and easily add, edit, or change the posting date through a drag-and-drop interface.

Best Time Manager: Schedule your social media posts with pre-defined best times or set your custom time settings for auto-scheduling.

Re-share Posts Automatically: Automate the process of reposting your best-performing content at regular intervals to revitalize your evergreen content.

Customizing: Customize your social media posts by adding comments, hashtags, handles, and emojis tailored to each social network.

Select and Edit Images: Choose individual images or upload multiple images in a single post. You can also edit, crop, rotate, or flip images to match the format of various social platforms.

Post Templates: Define a unique post structure to automatically customize your social media posts for different platforms.

Social Media Metrics: Track the performance of your social media posts with metrics on link views, impressions, likes, re-shares, and comments. This feature helps you assess the impact of your content.

Team Management: Collaborate with multiple WordPress users by extending multi-user support. This feature allows you to organize and work together on your social media posts.

Blog2Social Premium is designed to streamline your social media management, save you time, and help you effectively engage with your audience across various social media platforms. Whether you’re a blogger, marketer, or website owner, it can be a valuable tool for enhancing your online presence.

Aktuelle Version 6.9.11
Zuletzt aktualisiert January 26, 2023
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Aktuelle Version 6.9.11
Zuletzt aktualisiert January 26, 2023
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