Backuply Pro – Backuply is a WordPress Backup Plugin

Backuply pro – backuply is a wordpress backup plugin

Backuply Pro – Backuply is a WordPress Backup Plugin

Backuply Pro – Backuply is a WordPress Backup Plugin

Backuply is a versatile WordPress backup plugin designed to help you protect your website from data loss due to various issues such as server crashes, hacking, faulty updates, or problematic plugins. Here’s an overview of its features:

Core Features:

  1. Local Backups: Create full backups of your WordPress website and store them locally on your server with a single click.
  2. Secure Cloud Backups: Backuply offers seamless integration with various cloud storage options, including FTP, FTPS, SFTP, WebDAV, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox, and Amazon S3.
  3. One-Click Restoration: Easily restore your website, including files and databases, with a simple one-click restore feature. This ensures that your data is readily available for recovery during unforeseen disasters.
  4. Website Migration: Facilitates hassle-free migration of your website to a different domain or hosting provider.
  5. Database Backups: Perform backups specifically for your website’s database, ensuring that critical data is protected.

Premium Features:

  1. Automatic Backups: Schedule regular automatic backups at intervals of your choice, whether it’s daily, weekly, or monthly. You have the flexibility to customize the backup frequency.
  2. Selective Backup: Choose whether to back up only files, only databases, or the entire website. This flexibility ensures you can perform backups based on your specific needs.
  3. Website Cloning: Backuply allows you to create clones of your website for various purposes. The plugin restores data while adjusting URLs and information to match the existing website, making it possible to create multiple copies of your site.
  4. Backup to Secure FTPS and SFTP: You can back up your site to FTPS (FTP over SSL/TLS) or SFTP, enhancing the security of your backups.
  5. Additional Cloud Storage Options: Backuply supports cloud storage providers such as Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, Amazon S3, WebDAV, and S3 Compatible Storages, including DigitalOcean Spaces, Linode Object Storage, Vultr Object Storage, and Cloudflare R2.
  6. WP-CLI Support: Developers can use WP-CLI to manage and interact with Backuply via command-line interface.
  7. Professional Support: Access professional support and additional features to enhance the backup process for your website.

Overall, Backuply is a feature-rich plugin that helps you protect your website’s data with both local and cloud backups. Its user-friendly features, including one-click restoration and automatic backups, simplify the backup process. Whether you’re looking to safeguard your website or perform advanced tasks like website cloning, Backuply has you covered.

Aktuelle Version 1.1.9
Zuletzt aktualisiert October 14, 2023
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Aktuelle Version 1.1.9
Zuletzt aktualisiert October 14, 2023
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