Age Verification Plugin for WordPress

Age verification plugin for wordpress

Age Verification Plugin for WordPress

Elfsight’s Age Verification plugin is a valuable tool for sites that require age verification due to legal or content restrictions. Here is a summary of its features and the process of integrating it into a WordPress website:

Plugin Features:

  1. Stylish Age Verification: Presents a sleek and convenient age-gate widget upon site visitation.
  2. Controlled Access: Allows showing site content only to specific age groups, ensuring compliance and restriction for underage users.
  3. Anpassungsoptionen: Offers various layout options and customization settings to create age-gate plugins for the entire site or specific products in an online store.
  4. Automatic Age Control: Manages the age verification process without requiring manual intervention.
  5. Legal Compliance: Ensures compliance with legal age restrictions.
  6. Mobile Optimization: Fully optimized for mobile devices for a seamless user experience.
  7. SEO-Friendly: Doesn’t hinder content indexing for effective SEO optimization.
  8. Browser Compatibility: Supports all major browsers for broader accessibility.

How to Add the Plugin to WordPress:

  1. Purchase and Download:
    • Obtain the plugin and download its zip file.
  2. Upload to WordPress:
    • Access your WordPress dashboard.
    • Go to the plugin section and upload the WordPress installable zip file.
  3. Plugin Settings:
    • Visit the plugin settings section in the main menu.
    • Customize the Age Verification settings using the Live Plugin Editor.
    • Generate a shortcode specific to your plugin configuration.
  4. Embed the Shortcode:
    • Paste the generated shortcode in the desired area of your website where you want the Age Verification plugin to appear.

Additional Information:

  • Multiple Verification Methods: Offers options like date of birth, year of birth, or a question-based verification.
  • Memory Duration: Allows setting a time period during which the plugin remembers users for easier access.
  • Anpassungsoptionen: Customize overlays, backgrounds, and more to suit your website’s design.
  • Redirect Option: Set a redirect URL after verification completion.

The plugin appears user-friendly and offers a variety of features to tailor the age verification process to suit different site needs. Its seamless integration process makes it accessible to users without significant technical expertise.

Aktuelle Version 1.1.0
Zuletzt aktualisiert September 8, 2021
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

 5/5
Aktuelle Version 1.1.0
Zuletzt aktualisiert September 8, 2021
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

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