WP Shield Content Protector PRO

Wp shield content protector pro

WP Shield Content Protector PRO

WPShield Content Protector is a comprehensive WordPress plugin designed to prevent content copying and protect various types of content on your website, including text, images, videos, and source code. This plugin offers a range of features to safeguard your website’s intellectual property and prevent unauthorized use of your content.

Wesentliche Merkmale:

  1. Right Click Menu Disabler:
    • Completely disables the right-click menu across all browsers and devices, preventing users from copying text, saving images, viewing source code, or performing other actions related to right-clicking.
  2. Right Click Menu Limiter (PRO):
    • Displays the right-click menu but restricts options like copy and view source, ensuring a better user experience while maintaining security.
  3. Content Copy Protector:
    • Prevents users from selecting and copying text from your website. You can optionally append a copyright notice with a source link to copied content.
  4. Images Download Protector:
    • Protects images by disabling download options, right-click on images, and drag-and-drop to save images. Also disables WordPress attachment pages.
  5. Videos Download Protector:
    • Simplifies the video player by removing the download button and hiding the video file’s URL, ensuring that videos cannot be downloaded.
  6. Music Download Protector:
    • Removes the audio player’s download button and hides the audio file’s location, protecting audio content from unauthorized downloads.
  7. Developer Tools Protector:
    • Prevents users from opening Developer Tools or Inspect Elements. If accessed, the page content is cleared, ensuring content security.
  8. IDM (Internet Download Manager) Protector (PRO):
    • Disables the use of IDM browser extensions to prevent users from downloading videos, music, or other files from your site via IDM.
  9. View Source Protector:
    • Blocks users from accessing the source code of your website and conceals it to make copying difficult for skilled users.
  10. Disabled JavaScript Protector:
    • Prevents users from accessing your website if they disable JavaScript, ensuring that your content remains protected.
  11. Print Protector:
    • Prevents site content from being printed and optionally adds a watermark to printed content for copyright protection.
  12. Copy Enabler Extension Protector (PRO):
    • Detects and disables browser extensions like “Enable Copy” to prevent users from bypassing content protectors.
  13. Feed Protector:
    • Disables or limits RSS feeds to prevent content copying by bots accessing your site’s feeds.
  14. iFrame Hotlink Protector:
    • Prevents hotlinking by displaying a warning message or redirecting pages when loaded within iFrames on other sites.
  15. Email Address Protector:
    • Hides email addresses from bots by converting them into encoded characters, ensuring they are not crawled by spammers.
  16. Phone Number Protector:
    • Conceals phone numbers from bots using advanced techniques, making them visible only to visitors.

Additional Features:

  • Customizable Popup Modals: Display warning messages and customize their appearance to match your website’s branding.
  • Audio Warning Alert (PRO): Play audio alerts to discourage content copying, with options to customize sound, volume, and enable for specific protectors.

WPShield Content Protector offers a robust set of tools to protect your website’s content from unauthorized copying and downloading, ensuring the security and integrity of your intellectual property.

Aktuelle Version v1.4.0
Zuletzt aktualisiert May 16, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

Aktuelle Version v1.4.0
Zuletzt aktualisiert May 16, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

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Warum so billig?

WordPress wendet die GPL/GNU-Lizenz auf ALLE Plugins und Themes an, die von Drittanbietern für WordPress erstellt wurden. Die GPL-Lizenz bedeutet, dass jedes für WordPress geschriebene Skript und seine Derivate frei sein müssen (einschließlich aller Plugins und Themes). Da wir alle Artikel direkt von den Autoren kaufen und sie an die Öffentlichkeit weitergeben, können wir unglaublich niedrige Preise für offizielle Artikel anbieten. Der Preis ist ein einmaliger Preis für vollen Zugang, keine wiederkehrende Zahlung. Der Original-Autoren-Support ist beim Kauf über WPGlobalMarket nicht enthalten. Sie erhalten nur die Datei.

Am beliebtesten

  • Dein Warenkorb ist leer.