WooCommerce Product Options

Woocommerce product options

WooCommerce Product Options

The WooCommerce Product Options plugin is an advanced tool that allows customers to personalize products effortlessly. It offers a wide range of customizable add-on fields, enabling businesses to enhance product offerings with extra options and interactive customization. This plugin is designed to streamline the process of collecting customer information and adding custom options to WooCommerce products, making it a flexible and powerful alternative to traditional variations.

Wesentliche Merkmale:

  1. Diverse Field Types:
    • Choose from 16+ field types, including checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdowns, file uploads, date/time pickers, text fields, products, color/image swatches, and more.
  2. Pricing Options:
    • Set prices based on options chosen by customers.
    • Add fixed fees, percentage increases/decreases, price by character, or custom price formulas.
    • Create custom price calculators.
  3. Conditional Logic:
    • Conditionally show or hide product options based on customer selections.
    • Create dependencies to simplify the customization process for customers.
  4. Advanced Rules:
    • Set default values and required fields.
    • Allow decimal numbers and set minimum/maximum quantity rules.
  5. Sections and Structure:
    • Create advanced product configurators structured into multiple sections.
    • Add headings, images, and static content to guide customers through the customization process.
  6. Theme-Kompatibilität:
    • Works seamlessly with any WooCommerce theme.
    • Compatible with other Barn2 plugins like Product Table and Quick View.
  7. Upsell Opportunities:
    • Upsell related products above the “Add to Cart” button.
    • Offer upgrades to increase average order value.
    • Provide extras like installation services, free gifts, and accessories.


  • Enhanced Customization:
    • Offers a wide range of customizable fields and options, allowing customers to personalize products to their preferences.
  • Streamlined Workflow:
    • Reduces the need for manual data collection and simplifies the process of adding custom options to products.
  • Flexible Pricing:
    • Enables dynamic pricing adjustments based on customer selections, providing more flexibility in pricing strategies.
  • Improved User Experience:
    • Conditional logic and structured sections make the customization process intuitive and user-friendly.
  • Increased Sales:
    • Upsell features help boost sales by encouraging customers to add related products and upgrades to their orders.

Why Choose WooCommerce Product Options? The WooCommerce Product Options plugin is perfect for businesses looking to offer personalized and customizable products. Its advanced field types, flexible pricing options, and conditional logic capabilities provide a comprehensive solution for enhancing product offerings. Whether you want to upsell related products, offer unique customization options, or streamline your workflow, this plugin delivers the features and functionality needed to meet your business goals.

Aktuelle Version 2.0.0
Zuletzt aktualisiert September 16, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

 5/5
Aktuelle Version 2.0.0
Zuletzt aktualisiert September 16, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

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Am beliebtesten

  • Dein Warenkorb ist leer.