Chaty Pro – WordPress Chat Plugin

Chaty pro – wordpress chat plugin

Chaty Pro – WordPress Chat Plugin

In a world where instant communication is paramount, Chaty Pro stands out as a powerful WordPress chat plugin designed to enhance customer interaction and provide businesses with flexible communication options. By integrating popular channels like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, and Line into a single widget, Chaty Pro facilitates direct and personalized communication with website visitors. Let’s explore its key features in detail:

1. Unlimited Channels:

  • Chaty Pro supports multiple channels, including WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, and Line, providing users with the flexibility to choose their preferred communication platform.

2. Widget & Channel Customization:

  • Customize the appearance, style, and behavior of the chat widget to align with your website’s design and branding. Tailor each channel’s settings to suit your specific needs.

3. Contact Forms:

  • Integrate contact forms within the chat widget, allowing users to submit inquiries outside regular chat hours or for more structured communication.

4. Sending Leads to Email:

  • Automatically forward leads generated through the chat to email, streamlining the process of managing and responding to customer inquiries.

5. Attention Effects:

  • Grab users’ attention with attention-grabbing effects, such as notifications or visual cues, prompting them to engage with the chat widget.

6. Page Targeting:

  • Target specific pages or sections of your website with the chat widget, ensuring that relevant support or information is available where it’s needed most.

7. Traffic Source Targeting:

  • Customize chat behavior based on the source of traffic (e.g., direct, organic, referral), providing a contextual and personalized approach to customer interaction.

8. Country Targeting:

  • Adjust the chat display or behavior based on the user’s country, catering to language preferences, regional offerings, or specific service details relevant to that location.

9. Days & Hours:

  • Set specific days and hours for chat availability, managing user expectations and preventing the expectation of immediate responses outside business hours.

10. Multiple Agents: – Enable multiple agents to engage in chats simultaneously, ensuring quick response times and efficient handling of multiple customer inquiries.

11. Analytics: – Track chat interactions across different channels, gaining insights into user preferences. Optimize resources based on popular channels and enhance customer service.

12. Custom CSS: – Apply custom CSS for advanced customization, granting complete control over the widget’s appearance and seamless integration with your website’s design.

With its comprehensive set of features, Chaty Pro empowers businesses to provide exceptional customer service and meet users on their preferred communication channels. Elevate your website’s communication capabilities with Chaty Pro – the versatile WordPress chat plugin.

Aktuelle Version v3.3
Zuletzt aktualisiert September 5, 2024
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Aktuelle Version v3.3
Zuletzt aktualisiert September 5, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

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