Catna – WooCommerce Name Your Price and Offers

Catna  - woocommerce name your price and offers

Catna – WooCommerce Name Your Price and Offers

Catna is a powerful WooCommerce plugin designed to enhance customer interaction and satisfaction by allowing them to propose their own prices for products. This functionality can boost engagement, increase sales, and provide flexibility in pricing strategies for online store owners.

Key Features

  1. Name Your Price
    • Customer Price Entry: Customers can enter their desired price for products directly in the price field on the front end.
    • Product Types: Supports simple and variable products for custom pricing.
    • Quick View Display: Allows the display of the name-your-price option in quick view.
    • Price Range Setting: Set minimum and maximum acceptable prices for each product.
    • Page Display: Option to display the name-your-price feature on both single product pages and shop pages.
    • Free Purchase: Allows customers to purchase products for free, useful for donations or promotional items.
    • Error Validation: Validates entered prices and displays custom error messages if prices do not meet the set criteria.
    • Customizable Labels and Messages: Personalize the labels and messages on the shop and product pages.
    • Custom CSS: Add custom CSS for front-end design customization.
  2. Smart Offers
    • Bargain Functionality: Enables customers to bargain for a lower price if it meets backend conditions.
    • Product Type Support: Set smart offers for both simple and variable products.
    • Quantity-Based Offers: Offers can be configured based on product quantities with fixed or percentage-based price reductions.
    • Customizable Offer Labels and Messages: Tailor the smart offer button labels and messages.
    • Min & Max Quantities: Define the minimum and maximum quantities required to avail of price reductions.
    • Bargain Form Pop-Up: Display the bargain form in a pop-up.
    • Custom CSS: Add custom CSS for front-end design customization.
  3. Global Rules
    • Unlimited Rules: Create as many name-your-price or smart offer rules as needed.
    • Product Conditions: Include or exclude products, set price conditions, and define categories or visibility.
    • Customer Conditions: Conditions based on user roles, login status, and specific users.


  • Increased Engagement: Allowing customers to propose prices can lead to higher engagement and satisfaction.
  • Flexible Pricing Strategies: Offers flexibility in how products are priced and sold.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Customizable features ensure that the plugin fits seamlessly into any WooCommerce store design.
  • Boost in Sales: By accommodating customer price proposals and offering smart deals, potential sales can be increased.

How to Use

  1. Installation and Activation: Install the Catna plugin through the WordPress dashboard and activate it.
  2. Configuration: Configure global rules and settings in the backend to set up minimum and maximum price ranges, and smart offers.
  3. Customization: Use the customization options to tailor labels, error messages, and front-end appearance to match your store’s design.
  4. Enable Product Pricing: Enable the name-your-price and smart offer features for selected products.
  5. Customer Interaction: Allow customers to propose prices or bargain for better deals directly on product pages.


Catna – WooCommerce Name Your Price and Offers is a versatile and user-friendly plugin that empowers customers to engage more deeply with your products by proposing their own prices. This can lead to increased sales, better customer satisfaction, and a more dynamic shopping experience. With robust customization options and support for various product types, Catna is an invaluable addition to any WooCommerce store looking to innovate its pricing strategy.

Aktuelle Version v1.1.0
Zuletzt aktualisiert May 21, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

Aktuelle Version v1.1.0
Zuletzt aktualisiert May 21, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

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WordPress wendet die GPL/GNU-Lizenz auf ALLE Plugins und Themes an, die von Drittanbietern für WordPress erstellt wurden. Die GPL-Lizenz bedeutet, dass jedes für WordPress geschriebene Skript und seine Derivate frei sein müssen (einschließlich aller Plugins und Themes). Da wir alle Artikel direkt von den Autoren kaufen und sie an die Öffentlichkeit weitergeben, können wir unglaublich niedrige Preise für offizielle Artikel anbieten. Der Preis ist ein einmaliger Preis für vollen Zugang, keine wiederkehrende Zahlung. Der Original-Autoren-Support ist beim Kauf über WPGlobalMarket nicht enthalten. Sie erhalten nur die Datei.

Am beliebtesten

  • Dein Warenkorb ist leer.