LoftLoader Pro – Preloader Plugin for WordPress

Loftloader pro – preloader plugin for wordpress

LoftLoader Pro – Preloader Plugin for WordPress

The LoftLoader Pro plugin offers a range of features to enhance user experience by adding visually appealing preloader animations to your WordPress website. Here’s an overview of its key functionalities:

Preloader Animation

  • Customization: Unlimited colors to match your brand’s theme.
  • CSS3 Animations: Built with CSS3 for sharp, high-quality, and fast loading animations.
  • Custom Images: Upload and animate custom images with loading, rotating, bouncing, and rolling effects.

Responsive Design

  • Device Compatibility: Beautiful and functional on all devices.
  • Live Preview: Easily edit and preview changes with an enhanced setting panel.

Progress Settings

  • Flexibility: Choose between loader animation, progress bar, or counting percentage.
  • User-Friendly Effects: Impress visitors with engaging loading effects.

Display Options

  • Control Display: Turn on/off preloader, choose display on global site, specific pages, or exclude from certain post types.
  • Multiple Display Scenarios: Show loader once per session, hide for selected types (products, portfolios), and handpick specific pages/posts for the loader.

Loader Customization

  • Animation Choices: Choose from 19 animations, including six supporting custom images.
  • Color and Loop Control: Configure animation color and choose looping options.

Background Customization

  • Background Options: Solid or transparent background, gradient color, and multiple transition effects.
  • Image Integration: Repeating pattern or full image backgrounds, including separate uploads for mobile devices.

Progress Indication

  • Progress Indicator: Display or hide, choose between progress bar, counting percentage, or both.
  • Positioning: Set position, color, width, height, font, and spacing for the progress bar and text.

Custom Messages

  • Welcome Message: Add custom welcome/loading messages with font, color, and position control.
  • Random Message Feature: Display a random message each time the page loads (new feature).

Load Time and Device Control

  • Timing Controls: Set minimum and maximum load times for preloader appearance.
  • Device-Specific Settings: Choose to show or hide loading screens on specific devices.

Smooth Page Transition (New Feature)

  • Enhanced Transition Effect: Enable/disable smooth page transition with loading screen backgrounds when leaving a page.

Different Loaders on Different Pages (New Feature)

  • Page-Specific Loaders: Use different loaders on various pages or post types by exporting loader shortcodes.

Loading Screen Close Button

  • Visitor Control: Allow visitors to exit the loading screen with a close button based on admin settings.

Element Detection (New Feature)

  • Element Detection: Detect loading for various elements like images, videos, or a combination thereof.

Style Saving Options

  • Style Storage: Save customize styles of your loading screen as inline styles in the head or as an external .css file.

The LoftLoader Pro plugin empowers website owners to create engaging preloader animations, offering a range of customization and display options to enhance user experience during page load.

Aktuelle Version v2.5
Zuletzt aktualisiert September 14, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

Aktuelle Version v2.5
Zuletzt aktualisiert September 14, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

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