Usmile – Dental Clinic & Dentist Elementor Template Kit

Usmile – dental clinic & dentist elementor template kit

Usmile – Dental Clinic & Dentist Elementor Template Kit

Usmile Elementor Template Kit is a versatile and comprehensive solution for dental clinics and related medical services. Here is a breakdown of its features and included templates:


  1. Plugin Usage: Utilizes Free Plugins (Elementor Pro not necessary) for ease of use.
  2. Design: Offers a unique and clean design that’s easy to customize.
  3. Pages and Templates: Includes 13 ready-to-use pages and 15 templates for a professional website setup.
  4. Responsive Layout: Ensures full responsiveness across various devices.
  5. Customizability: Highly customizable without requiring coding knowledge.
  6. Browser Compatibility: Compatible with major browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera.

Included Templates:

  1. Global Theme Style: Sets the overall style for consistency across the website.
  2. Home: Template for the homepage layout.
  3. About: Page detailing information about the clinic/practice.
  4. Services: Showcasing dental services offered.
  5. Appointment: Template for scheduling appointments.
  6. Dentists: Displaying information about the dentists/doctors.
  7. Dentist Single: Individual page layout for a specific dentist.
  8. FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions section.
  9. Pricing: Displaying pricing information for services.
  10. Testimonials: Section to showcase client testimonials.
  11. Blog: Layout for blog posts.
  12. Single Post: Individual post layout for blogs.
  13. Contact: Page containing contact information and form.
  14. 404 Page: Customized error page layout.
  15. Header and Footer: Included for consistent navigation and branding.

Required Plugins:

  1. Elementor: Essential for the template kit functionality.
  2. ElementsKit Lite: Provides additional elements and features for Elementor.
  3. Elementor – Header, Footer & Blocks: For creating and managing headers, footers, and blocks.
  4. Sticky Header Effect for Elementor: Enables a sticky header functionality.
  5. WPForms Lite: For creating and managing forms.
  6. DethemeKit for Elementor: Assists with Elementor-based design and features.

This template kit offers a comprehensive set of layouts and templates covering all the necessary aspects of a dental clinic website, from service showcases to appointment scheduling and blogging capabilities. Its reliance on free plugins ensures accessibility for a wide range of users at no additional cost.

Aktuelle Version Latest
Zuletzt aktualisiert March 24, 2022
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Aktuelle Version Latest
Zuletzt aktualisiert March 24, 2022
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