Paid Member Subscriptions Premium + Addons Pack

Paid member subscriptions premium + addons pack

Paid Member Subscriptions Premium + Addons Pack

Paid Member Subscriptions Premium is a comprehensive WordPress plugin that empowers you to create and manage subscription-based websites with ease. This plugin offers a wide range of features designed to help you monetize your content and engage with your members effectively. Some of the key features and benefits of this premium membership plugin include:

  1. Membership Monetization: Generate revenue by offering premium access and exclusive benefits to your members. You can create various subscription plans, allowing you to monetize your content effectively.
  2. Content Restriction: Easily restrict access to your content, whether it’s blog posts, news articles, or any other type of content. You can show content only to logged-in users or subscribers.
  3. Membership Payments: Paid Member Subscriptions Premium supports multiple payment gateways, including PayPal and Stripe, to accept payments from your subscribers. You can keep track of all payments, their statuses, and the subscription plans purchased by members.
  4. Recurring Payments: Offer recurring subscription plans to your users. You can set up both forced and optional recurring payments. Recurring payments are a powerful way to create a steady stream of revenue.
  5. Hierarchical Subscription Plans: Create a hierarchy of subscription plans, such as Free, Silver, Gold, or any other configuration you prefer. Users can choose a subscription plan during registration, and existing members can purchase plans.
  6. Discount Codes: Generate discount codes to offer special promotions to your members. You can set up percentage or flat-rate discounts for your subscription plans.
  7. Members Management: Manage your members effortlessly. You can add, remove, or edit members and their subscription details from your WordPress dashboard.
  8. Membership Emails and Messages: Customize default member emails and set up messages that are sent to members on specific actions. Admin emails can also be personalized.
  9. Free Trials and Sign-Up Fees: Configure subscription plans with free trial periods and sign-up fees. This gives you flexibility in creating and managing subscription offerings.
  10. Reports and Exports: Easily export member records and payment history to CSV files, allowing you to maintain records, generate reports, or integrate data into other applications.
  11. WooCommerce Integration: Seamlessly integrate Paid Member Subscriptions Premium with WooCommerce. You can restrict product viewing and purchasing to members only, offer discounts to subscribers, and sell subscription plans as products.
  12. GDPR Compliance: Ensure that your membership site complies with GDPR regulations to protect user data and privacy.
  13. Automated Emails: Set up automated email reminders that are sent to members before or after specific events, such as subscription expirations or activations.
  14. Global Content Restriction: Add global content restriction rules to subscription plans based on post types, taxonomies, and terms.
  15. Group Memberships: Sell group subscriptions to your users, allowing multiple members to sign up under one plan.
  16. Invoices: Both administrators and members can download PDF invoices for completed payments.
  17. Pro Rate: Pro-rate subscription plan upgrades and downgrades, offering users discounts based on the remaining time in their current subscription.
  18. Tax & EU VAT: Collect tax or VAT from users based on their location with control over tax rates and charges.

Paid Member Subscriptions Premium offers an extensive set of add-ons to extend its functionality even further. Whether you want to create a members-only store, restrict product viewing, sell group memberships, offer discounted product prices, or handle content dripping, this plugin has you covered.

The plugin’s documentation provides comprehensive guidance on setting up and using its features effectively. If you’re looking to create a powerful membership website with various monetization options, this premium plugin is a valuable choice.


Aktuelle Version 1.6.3 + Addons
Zuletzt aktualisiert September 13, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehenOriginalprodukt & Demo ansehen
 5/5
Aktuelle Version 1.6.3 + Addons
Zuletzt aktualisiert September 13, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehenOriginalprodukt & Demo ansehen

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