White Label Branding for WordPress Multisite

White label branding for wordpress multisite

White Label Branding for WordPress Multisite

White Label Branding for WordPress Multisite

The Multisite WordPress White Label Branding for WordPress is a powerful plugin designed for WordPress Multisite networks and is aimed at developers, web designers, and site administrators. This plugin allows you to customize the branding of your WordPress Multisite network, both on the main site and all sub-sites. Here are some of its features:

Main Features:

  1. Dashboard Customization: You can create an unlimited number of custom dashboard metaboxes using the Dashboard Tool. The plugin provides access control, allowing customization for different user roles (Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor, and Subscriber).
  2. Login Screen Customization: You can enable screen customization for the login page. This includes adding a custom logo, setting opacity for the logo, adding a custom background image, and customizing login form settings.
  3. Menu Customization: You can hide top-level and sub-level menus based on your installed plugins. It also allows you to reorder top-level menus by a simple drag-and-drop interface.
  4. Admin Bar Customization: You can hide individual items in the admin bar based on user roles and capabilities. It also provides an option to hide the admin bar for administrators.
  5. Screen Configuration: You can set the default screen configuration for all users, and users can set their default screen layout. It also allows you to delete choices for individual screens.
  6. Branding Options: You can add a custom favicon, replace the default WordPress logo with your own, and customize the admin footer text. This includes options for “WordPress” text replacement, hiding download links, contextual help, screen options, favorites actions, footer WordPress version number, and more.
  7. Custom Email Settings: You can set custom email addresses and sender names, making emails appear as if they are sent from your organization.
  8. Custom Color Schemes: You can trigger a custom color scheme for the wp-admin interface. This can be personalized for the main site and all sub-sites.
  9. Advanced Settings: This section provides various advanced options for managing user capabilities and functions. You can hide the administrator user function structure, enable the custom dashboard tool, and perform configurations like importing and exporting settings.

Customization: The plugin offers extensive customization options for various aspects of the WordPress admin interface, including menu colors, content areas, metaboxes, widgets, tables, admin header, notifications, forms, key buttons, secondary buttons, screen customization for messages, websites, and custom post forms, and the editor customization.

Color Schemes: The plugin provides options for custom color schemes, allowing you to create a unique visual identity for your Multisite network.

Import and Export: You can easily back up your world settings and import or export them as needed. This feature ensures that you can save your configurations and apply them consistently across different sites.

Overall, the Multisite WordPress White Label Branding for WordPress is a comprehensive tool for administrators and developers managing Multisite networks. It empowers you to create a consistent and customized user experience for your network users, including branding, dashboard metaboxes, login screens, and menu customization. It’s a valuable resource for enhancing your WordPress Multisite network’s functionality and user interface.

Aktuelle Version 4.2.9
Zuletzt aktualisiert November 30, 2022
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

 5/5
Aktuelle Version 4.2.9
Zuletzt aktualisiert November 30, 2022
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

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