MemberPress Courses

Memberpress courses

MemberPress Courses

MemberPress Courses

The MemberPress Courses Addon is a powerful tool that simplifies the process of creating and selling online courses. It is integrated into MemberPress, which is a popular membership plugin for WordPress. This addon is designed to make it easy for website owners to set up and manage online courses without the need for complex coding or additional plugins. Here are some key features and benefits of the MemberPress Courses Addon:

  1. No Complex Coding: Traditionally, creating an online course website required significant coding skills and customization. With the MemberPress Courses Addon, you can create online courses without the need for complex coding. The addon includes a feature called “Classroom Mode” that takes care of the design and styling, making it easy to create and customize the look and feel of your courses.
  2. Course Progress Tracking: The addon includes built-in progress tracking for both users and site administrators. Users can track their progress in each course, and site administrators can monitor how subscribers are progressing through the curriculum. This feature provides valuable insights into the popularity and user-friendliness of your courses.
  3. Simplified Course Management: With the addon, you can manage all your courses from a single menu item within MemberPress. You can view, add, and edit courses without the need to set up custom post types or complex page structures. This simplifies the course management process and streamlines content creation.
  4. Visual Curriculum Editing: The addon allows you to edit your course curriculum and lessons directly in the WordPress Block Editor. You can move lessons within courses using a simple click-and-drag interface, making it easy to arrange your content visually.
  5. Easy Access Rules: You can protect your online course content using access rules, just like with other MemberPress products. You can protect individual courses, sets of courses, or courses with specific tags or categories. This feature allows you to communicate added value to users without the need for upsell language.
  6. Sales Page Creation: The addon makes it easy to create sales pages for courses or lessons. When a user encounters a page they don’t have access to, they can be directed to a sales page where they can subscribe to gain access. This simplifies the sales and subscription process for your online courses.
  7. Advanced Customization: For power users with more experience, the addon offers the option to disable Classroom Mode. This allows for greater control over the design and styling of courses, catering to users with advanced customization needs.

Overall, the MemberPress Courses Addon is a valuable tool for anyone looking to create and sell online courses on their WordPress website. It simplifies the course creation process, offers progress tracking, and provides customization options for both beginners and experienced users. The addon is available to MemberPress subscribers, including those with the Basic subscription. You can download it from the Add-ons page in your MemberPress dashboard to get started.

Aktuelle Version 1.3.7
Zuletzt aktualisiert August 19, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

 5/5
Aktuelle Version 1.3.7
Zuletzt aktualisiert August 19, 2024
Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen Originalprodukt & Demo ansehen

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