Nexter – Best Multipurpose WordPress Theme

Nexter – best multipurpose wordpress theme

Nexter – Best Multipurpose WordPress Theme

Introduction: Nexter is a lightweight, versatile WordPress theme designed for web designers. It boasts a comprehensive Theme Builder and advanced features for creating custom site elements.

Temel Özellikler:

  • Tema Oluşturucu:
    • Advanced Header Builder: Customize headers with Elementor Widgets or Blocks.
    • Advanced Footer Builder: Create unlimited footer layouts.
    • Breadcrumbs Bar: Add navigation breadcrumbs for better user experience.
    • 404 Page: Customize the 404 error page with branding and helpful content.
    • Single Pages: Design custom pages for CPT, Blog Posts, or WooCommerce Products.
    • Archive Pages: Create custom listing pages for posts, CPT, or WooCommerce Products.
    • Code Snippets: Add custom HTML, PHP, CSS, or JS code.
    • Display Rules: Control the visibility of theme builder sections.
    • Action & Filter Hooks: Extend functionalities with hooks for developers.
  • Extra Options:
    • Adobe Fonts: Access and connect with Adobe Cloud Fonts.
    • Local Google Fonts: Self-host Google Fonts for better performance.
    • Custom Upload Fonts: Upload and manage custom fonts.
    • Disable Admin Settings: Simplify the WordPress dashboard.
    • Google reCAPTCHA: Protect your site from spam and malicious activities.
    • Replace Text & URL: Bulk replace text or URLs.
    • Post & Page Duplicator: Duplicate posts and pages easily.
    • Export & Import Theme Customiser: Transfer customizations between sites.
    • Regenerate Thumbnails: Regenerate image thumbnails.
  • Performance:
    • Advanced Performance Tweaks: Optimize speed and performance.
    • Disable Comments: Prevent spam by disabling comments.
    • Disable Image Sizes: Save resources by disabling unnecessary image sizes.
    • Register Custom Image Sizes: Tailor image sizes for better performance.
    • Disable Elementor Icons: Improve performance by disabling unused Elementor icons.
  • Security:
    • Advanced Security: Implement measures to protect content.
    • Custom Login URL: Hide WP-Admin URL for added security.
    • Content Protections: Prevent unauthorized copying and distribution.
    • Login Email Notification (PRO): Receive email alerts for login activities.
  • Theme Customiser:
    • Global Container Size: Adjust content width globally.
    • Enable & Disable Header/Footer: Control header and footer visibility.
    • Global Fonts & Colors: Set global fonts and colors for consistency.
    • Text Selection Color: Choose the color for text selection.
    • Body Style: Define the layout for global content.
    • Sidebar Layouts: Customize sidebar appearance.
    • Post Single Customizer: Tailor the Post Single page display.
    • Navigation Menu Maker: Create and organize navigation menus.
    • Custom CSS: Add advanced custom CSS.
    • Site Identity: Brand with logo, favicon, title, and tagline.
    • Maintenance & Coming Soon Mode (PRO): Set up maintenance or coming soon pages.
  • White Label:
    • Whitelabel Nexter Theme (PRO): Rebrand the Nexter Theme with your agency’s name.

Let me know if you need more details on any of these features or if there’s anything specific you’d like to focus on!

Güncel Sürüm 2.0.3
Son Güncelleme September 1, 2024
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Güncel Sürüm 2.0.3
Son Güncelleme September 1, 2024
Orijinal Ürünü Görüntüle & Demo Orijinal Ürünü Görüntüle & Demo

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WordPress, 3. taraf geliştiriciler tarafından WordPress için oluşturulan TÜM eklenti ve temalara GPL/GNU lisansını uygular. GPL lisansı, WordPress ve türevleri için yazılan her komut dosyasının ücretsiz olması gerektiği anlamına gelir (tüm eklentiler ve Temalar dahil). Tüm öğeleri doğrudan yazarlarından satın aldığımız ve halka yeniden dağıttığımız için, resmi öğeler için inanılmaz derecede düşük fiyatlar sunabiliyoruz. Fiyat, tam erişim için tek seferlik bir fiyattır, yinelenen bir ödeme değildir. WPGlobalMarket'ten satın alındığında Orijinal Yazar Desteği dahil değildir. Sadece Dosyayı alırsınız.

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