FireBox Pro - Dönüşüm oranını artıran bir WordPress Popup Builder

Firebox pro - dönüşüm oranını artıran bir wordpress popup oluşturucu

FireBox Pro - Dönüşüm oranını artıran bir WordPress Popup Builder

FireBox Pro is a WordPress popup builder designed to enhance conversion rates by creating engaging and personalized popups. Here’s an overview of its features and capabilities:

Temel Özellikler:

  1. Email Collection:
    • Convert low-engagement visitors into quality newsletter subscribers by collecting email addresses through personalized popups.
  2. Increase Sales & Revenue:
    • Boost sales by converting visitors into customers using strategically timed popups that promote special offers or discounts.
  3. Fight Cart Abandonment:
    • Detect when visitors are about to leave your site and trigger popups to encourage them to complete their purchase.
  4. Increase User Engagement:
    • Convert passive visitors into active participants by using interactive popups that drive higher conversion rates.
  5. Announcements:
    • Grab attention and drive conversions with impactful popup announcements about new products, promotions, or events.
  6. Grow Social Media Followers:
    • Expand your social media reach and followers by leveraging popups to encourage visitors to follow your social profiles.
  7. New Popup Editing Experience:
    • Built on the WordPress Block Editor (Gutenberg), providing a user-friendly interface for creating and customizing popups without the need for custom code.
  8. Templates Library:
    • Access ready-to-use high-quality popup templates to quickly create engaging popups tailored to your needs.
  9. Multiple Popup Types:
    • Choose from various popup types such as modals, floating bars, fullscreen overlays, slide-ins, and more to suit different conversion goals.
  10. Precision Targeting:
    • Use precision targeting to display relevant popup messages to specific segments of your audience based on behavior or demographics.
  11. Smart Triggers:
    • Trigger popups based on visitor behavior, including page load, scroll depth, exit intent, click, hover, idle time, and more.
  12. Analytics:
    • Built-in analytics to track popup performance and identify which popups are driving the most conversions.
  13. Mobile-Friendly:
    • Ensures popups are fully optimized for mobile devices to provide a seamless user experience across all devices.
  14. Özelleştirme Seçenekleri:
    • Customize popup appearance, animation, and behavior using the Gutenberg editor, with support for custom CSS and JavaScript.
  15. Integration with WordPress Plugins:
    • Seamlessly integrate popups with popular WordPress plugins like WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads to create targeted offers based on cart value or product selection.
  16. Device-Based Targeting:
    • Create unique popups tailored for desktop, tablet, or mobile users to maximize engagement and conversions.
  17. Geolocation Targeting:
    • Personalize popups based on the visitor’s physical location to deliver localized offers or messages.
  18. Date & Time Targeting:
    • Display time-sensitive offers or promotions by targeting visitors based on the current date and time.
  19. WordPress User Role Targeting:
    • Show different messages to logged-in users versus guest users based on their WordPress user role.
  20. AdBlock Detector:
    • Control popup behavior based on the visitor’s adblock detection status to optimize visibility and engagement.

FireBox Pro provides a comprehensive set of tools and features to create effective and conversion-optimized popups tailored to your specific marketing goals and audience segments. Its intuitive interface and extensive customization options make it an ideal solution for WordPress users looking to enhance engagement, capture leads, and drive sales effectively.

Güncel Sürüm v2.1.20
Son Güncelleme September 14, 2024
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Güncel Sürüm v2.1.20
Son Güncelleme September 14, 2024
Orijinal Ürünü Görüntüle & Demo Orijinal Ürünü Görüntüle & Demo

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WordPress, 3. taraf geliştiriciler tarafından WordPress için oluşturulan TÜM eklenti ve temalara GPL/GNU lisansını uygular. GPL lisansı, WordPress ve türevleri için yazılan her komut dosyasının ücretsiz olması gerektiği anlamına gelir (tüm eklentiler ve Temalar dahil). Tüm öğeleri doğrudan yazarlarından satın aldığımız ve halka yeniden dağıttığımız için, resmi öğeler için inanılmaz derecede düşük fiyatlar sunabiliyoruz. Fiyat, tam erişim için tek seferlik bir fiyattır, yinelenen bir ödeme değildir. WPGlobalMarket'ten satın alındığında Orijinal Yazar Desteği dahil değildir. Sadece Dosyayı alırsınız.

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