WooCommerce Pre-sale Time Offer and Expiring System (WCPS) is a robust plugin designed to enhance WooCommerce functionality by introducing new features for planning pre-sales or time-limited offers for all products.
Key Features:
- Flexible Pricing Configuration:
- Configure special prices for items based on selected periods, including pre-sale periods or special offers for weekends or seasons.
- End/Expiring Strategies:
- Choose from various end strategies such as end date, threshold limit, or a combination of both to revert items to their regular price or make them unavailable.
- Special Expiring Options: Notification and Visibility:
- Receive notifications when products expire and customize product visibility after expiration.
- Make Products Visible but Unpurchasable:
- Display products in the store while making them unpurchasable until the pre-sale/time offer period begins.
- User Roles Restriction:
- Configure pre-sale/time offer periods only for specific user roles, restricting access for non-allowed roles.
- Deposit and Coupon Deduction System:
- Enable a deposit system allowing customers to pay a small amount initially and use coupon codes for the remaining payment after the pre-sale period.
- Display Old Price with Line Through:
- Optionally display the old price with a line through for added visual impact.
- Product Automatic Publishing at Start Date:
- Automatically publish pre-sale or time-offer products at the specified start date.
- Limit Purchases Per Order, Per Customer, and/or Only for Previous Buyers:
- Set limits on the quantities customers can purchase per order or per customer, with an option to restrict purchases to those who bought during the pre-sale/time offer period.
- Custom Messages, Custom Add to Cart Label, and Countdown Timers:
- Display custom messages, customize the “Add to Cart” label, and show countdown timers for start/end dates.
- Current Sales Progress Bar:
- Show a visual progress bar indicating the percentage of current sales towards the goal, with customizable colors.
- Sale Badge and Sale Products Search:
- Display the default WooCommerce “Sale” badge for products during the time offer period and customize badge text.
- Products Table – Custom Badge Text:
- Show additional custom badge text in products tables on emails, cart, checkout, and order details pages.
- Free Shipping Option:
- Set free shipping for items during the pre-sale/time offer period, marking them temporarily as virtual to avoid extra shipping costs.
- Assign Special Order Status After Checkout:
- Assign special statuses to orders containing at least one item in the pre-sale/time offer period.
- Shortcodes:
- Introduce shortcodes to be used in pages, posts, or custom messages to display information about pre-sales.
- Functions for Retrieving Pre-sales Info:
- Expose global functions for use in themes/plugins to retrieve pre-sales/time offer periods information.
WCPS is a versatile tool for WooCommerce, empowering shop administrators to implement dynamic pricing strategies, enhance user experience, and drive sales through pre-sales and time-limited offers. The plugin’s comprehensive features cater to various scenarios, providing flexibility and control over pricing and promotional campaigns.