Current Version: 2.8.5

Last Updated: February 07, 2025

W3 total cache pro

W3 Total Cache Pro

100% Original - All Premium Features Included.

We Buy and Download from Original Developers to ensure the most authentic and relevant version. Note: We are not directly affiliated or associated with the developers of this Plugin or Theme and we appreciate the efforts and original work of the authors. Names, phrases and trademarks are used to the minimum extent necessary to accurately and correctly describe the item.

Safe and Secure

Files are scanned for viruses regardless of whether they are original. All files are shared with you when they are safe.

Lifetime Update

We ensure that your site is always up to date, you will be notified as soon as a new version is released on WPGlobalMarket and you will always be up to date.

Why So Cheap?

WordPress applies the GPL/GNU license to ALL plugins and themes created for WordPress by 3rd party developers. The GPL license means that every script written for WordPress and its derivatives must be free (including all plugins and Themes). Because we buy all items directly from the authors and redistribute them to the public, we are able to offer incredibly low prices for official items. The price is a one-time price for full access, not a recurring payment. Original Author Support is not included when purchased from WPGlobalMarket. You only get the File.

Consider Joining the WPGlobalMarket Club

Unlimited Access to all Premium Plugins and Themes, Priority support and More. Starting from $13.99/month

10X Speed enhancement
Once duly configured, W3 Total Cache Pro can give a 10x enhancement( as indicated by Google PageSpeed perceptivity) in overall point performance.

Easy Setup With Any Hosting
Generally compatible with utmost participated hosting, VPS hosting and devoted garçon hosting plansSimple installation and configuration.

Includes Mobile Device Support
W3 Total Cache pets up your WordPress website anyhow of how your druggies pierce it. Mobile callers will admit the same lightning fast pets as those on desktop.


The Definitive WordPress Caching Plugin
W3 Total Cache is a plugin that grows with you. originallyutmost websites need to apply runner hiding and cybersurfer hiding, and W3 Total Cache does that for you with a manysimple clicks. As you growso do your hiding needs. And W3TC will be there for you.

WordPress Page Caching
Page Caching for your WordPress website is one of the most essential effects you can do to speed up your point. W3 Total Cache does this for you, snappily and fluentlyallowing you several options for fragment and RAM grounded storehouse similar as Redis or Memcached.

stationary train Compression
Whether your garçon has Brotli or Gzip contraction installed, W3 Total Cache can work either to insure you use the least quantum of bandwidth, balanced against the fastest runner speed. Your point will load briskly, and more reliably with W3TC.

On Demand Images( Lazy Loading)
Lazy lading defers the images from lading unless they’re visible in the original render. This allows you to have richer, longer runners while keeping the performance of the runner as presto as possible.

Web Garçon and Stack Compatibility
Use Apache, NGINX or a combination of both to help accelerate your runner speed like noway ahead. W3 Total Cache leverages your web garçon to speed up your WordPress website like no other plugin available.

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