TotalPoll Pro WordPress plugin is a robust tool designed to make it easy to create, manage and analyze surveys on WordPress websites. Here is a breakdown of its features:
General Features:
- WordPress Integration: Utilizes WordPress APIs for seamless integration and a simple installation process.
- Mobile-First Interface: User-friendly interface designed with a mobile-first approach.
- SEO Ready: Structured data from enriches polling for better SEO performance.
- Unlimited Customization: Offers limitless polls, options, styles, colors, templates, and font customization.
- Custom Fields: Text, text area, checkbox, dropdown, and custom CSS training for validation.
- Portability: Export/import polls with built-in WordPress support.
- Detailed Logs: Comprehensive details including time, IP, browser, etc., for each vote.
- Compatibility: Supports third-party plugins like WPML, Polylang, ACF, caching plugins, and more.
Poll Creation and Management:
- Poll Creation: Easily create, edit, delete polls with multiple field options like text, image, video, audio, HTML.
- Choice Management: Options to add, order, and change visibility of choices.
- Restrictions: Various restrictions like cookies, IP, user location, date, and time.
- AJAX-Powered Polls: AJAX functionality with dashboard support for faster interaction.
Vote Settings:
- Vote Blocking: Prevent re-votes via cookies or IP with personalized settings.
- User Exclusivity: Limit voting access to specific user roles.
- Captcha Integration: Enable Captcha support for additional security.
- Quota and Time Settings: Set maximum votes and time limits for polls.
Results and Display Settings:
- Poll Result Customization: Configure result display, hide results until conditions are met, and personalize result bits.
- Vote Requirements: Set minimum and maximum selection choices, enable pagination, and customize display options.
Custom Fields and Settings:
- Custom Field Management: Manage and validate custom fields, set default values, and enable validations.
- CSS Customization: Personalized CSS instructions for field entry or subject mark.
- Template Customization: Customize typography, design settings, and field template design.
Logs and Statistics:
- Logging and Statistics: Enable logs, view browser stats, votes by option, and detailed logs for analysis.
- Download and Reset Logs: Logs are downloadable in CSV or HTML format and can be reset.
- Submissions View: Review and upload submissions, reset submissions when needed.
Extensions, Templates, and Store:
- Extension and Template Management: Install, uninstall, activate, edit extensions, templates, and models.
- Store Access: View, install, upgrade extensions, templates, and execute from the store instantly.
- Migration Tools: Facilitates migration from WP-Polls or Poll YOP.
TotalPoll Pro aims to provide a comprehensive polling solution within the WordPress ecosystem, offering extensive customization, management, and analytical capabilities for website polls.