SupportCandy Schedule Tickets automates the creation of periodic tickets based on predefined recurring intervals.
This feature enables you to pre-schedule tickets, ensuring routine tasks like daily maintenance of your premises or weekly website backups are automatically generated. Your team can then manage and resolve these tickets efficiently.
Here’s how it functions:
- Admin schedules tickets with recurring details.
- Tickets are auto-generated at the designated times.
- Your team oversees the completion of these tickets.
It offers four recurrence periods: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly. Each period has its settings, allowing versatile scheduling:
- Daily intervals: Every x day or working day.
- Weekly intervals: Every x week on specific days.
- Monthly intervals: On day y or the Second Friday of the month.
- Yearly intervals: On day y of month z or the Second Friday of January.
You can set the start date for ticket generation and define how the schedule ends:
- No end date
- End after x occurrences
- Specific end date