Current Version: 2.26.4

Last Updated: January 23, 2025

Seraphinite accelerator

Seraphinite Accelerator

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Seraphinite Accelerator is a plugin that provides a high-performance file caching mechanism for websites. It is designed to optimize website speed and performance by implementing a fast cache engine. The plugin focuses on delivering a seamless caching experience with features such as high load tolerance, security measures against brute force attacks, compatibility with optimization plugins, various encoding options, cache data compression, and more.

Key Features:

  1. Fastest Cache Engine:
    • Implements a high-performance file cache engine to optimize website speed.
  2. High Load Tolerance:
    • Cache revalidation is designed to use minimum resources, ensuring efficient performance even during high loads.
  3. Security:
    • User cached sessions are protected from brute force attacks, enhancing website security.
  4. Optimization Plugins Compatibility:
    • Compatible with various third-party optimization plugins, allowing users to integrate additional optimization features.
  5. Various Range of Encoding:
    • Supports GZip, Deflate, Compress, Brotli, and Uncompressed encoding options for flexibility.
  6. Cache Data Compression:
    • Reduces storage data occupation by implementing cache data compression.
  7. Browser Cache:
    • Leverages browser caching via .htaccess to reduce server load and improve performance.
  8. Caching Separation:
    • Data is separated for various devices and environments, ensuring tailored caching.
  9. No Site Registration and Quoting:
    • Users are not required to register the site, and there are no time or page count quotas.

Free Additional Features:

  1. Multiple CDN:
    • Allows users to rearrange balance on multiple Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) to enhance speed and decrease costs.
  2. Lazy Revalidation:
    • Ensures pages maintain high speed even during content updates through lazy revalidation.
  3. Cache Storage Space Optimization:
    • Optimizes cache storage space by uniquely storing the same parts, resulting in significant space savings.
  4. Users Cache:
    • Implements smart caching of user-dependent pages such as shopping carts, online courses, etc.
  5. HTML Error-Correcting and Checking:
    • Manages unescaped scripts, misplaced tags, and checks for HTML errors.
  6. Content Size Optimization:
    • Minifies Java-scripts, styles (CSS), and HTML for optimized content size.
  7. Media Load Optimization:
    • Implements lazy loading of images, video, frames, and fonts for improved media loading.
  8. Scripts Load Optimization:
    • Enables Java-scripts and styles (CSS) lazy loading, inlining, and deferring for enhanced script loading.


Seraphinite Accelerator offers a comprehensive set of features to optimize website caching, ensuring high performance, security, and flexibility. With its focus on speed, compatibility, and additional optimization features, it aims to provide users with an effective solution for enhancing their website’s overall performance.

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