Saga – Business Consulting WordPress Theme

Saga - business consulting wordpress theme

Saga – Business Consulting WordPress Theme

Saga is a versatile and powerful WordPress theme designed specifically for business and consulting services. It offers a broad range of features and customization options, making it ideal for various professional services such as business consulting, marketing, financial advising, HR consulting, and more. Saga leverages the popular Elementor page builder and Revolution Slider for ease of use and enhanced functionality.

Detailed Description

Key Features:

  • Multiple Demo Homepages: Saga includes 9 pre-designed multi homepages. These demos can be easily customized to suit your needs using the Theme Option panel and Elementor page builder.
  • One-Click Demo Importer: Import demo data effortlessly with a single click, significantly reducing setup time.
  • Responsive Layout: Saga is 100% responsive, ensuring that your website looks great on all devices including smartphones, tablets, PCs, and desktops.
  • Elementor Page Builder: Elementor is a user-friendly drag-and-drop page builder that allows you to create complex layouts without any coding skills. It provides a straightforward and intuitive interface for designing pages.
  • Revolution Slider: This powerful slider plugin supports a wide range of media and offers customizable transitions, effects, and animations to create dynamic sliders.
  • Powerful Theme Options: The Saga theme options panel, powered by Redux, allows you to customize various elements of your website including the logo, header and footer styles, colors, menu settings, blog layout, banners, and preloader.
  • Unlimited Color Options: Fully customize the fonts and colors across the theme to match your brand identity using the theme options panel.
  • Advanced Typography: Choose from the extensive Google web fonts library to set a unique style for your brand.
  • WPML & Translation Ready: Saga is compatible with WPML, making it easy to create multilingual layouts and translate your website into any language.
  • Mailchimp Integration: Seamlessly integrate your newsletter subscription with your Mailchimp account contact list.
  • Contact Form 7 Compatibility: Create custom contact forms quickly and easily with Contact Form 7.
  • Cross-browser Compatibility: Saga is compatible with all major browsers, including IE9+.
  • WooCommerce Compatibility: Easily set up an online shop with full WooCommerce support.
  • RTL Support: Saga includes a full Right-to-Left (RTL) demo for languages written in RTL scripts.
  • Flexible Layouts: Choose between wide and boxed layouts, light and dark modes, and easily set up a coming soon page with predefined elements.
  • Mega Menu: Create single-level or multi-level mega menus for better site navigation.
  • Portfolio and Gallery: Create stunning gallery collages with lightbox or gallery pages using default WordPress galleries.
  • Blog Layouts: Multiple blog layout options including grid, carousel, list, and variations with or without sidebars.
  • Header and Footer Layouts: Choose from 7 header types and 4 footer layouts.
  • Services and Portfolio Styles: Multiple styles for showcasing services and portfolios, including over 9 service styles and 4 portfolio styles.
  • Team Styles: Showcase your team with over 3 different styles.
  • Side Area and Content Entry Animations: Enhance your site’s functionality and visual appeal with a customizable side area and entry animations for content.
  • Child Theme Included: Customize your site safely with the included child theme.


Saga is a comprehensive and flexible WordPress theme designed for business and consulting services. With its extensive customization options, responsive design, and integration with powerful tools like Elementor and Revolution Slider, Saga provides a robust platform for creating professional and engaging business websites. Whether you are a startup, financial firm, or consulting agency, Saga offers the features and flexibility needed to create a polished and effective online presence.

Current Version v2.4
Last Updated May 27, 2024
View Original Product & Demo View Original Product & Demo
Current Version v2.4
Last Updated May 27, 2024
View Original Product & Demo View Original Product & Demo

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