Pretty Opt-In is a versatile WordPress Plugin that allows you to create content lockers for lead generation purposes. Here are its main features:
Key Features:
- Customizable Locker Elements: Tailor locker elements and design styles, including layout variations, header titles, locker messages, button text, and more.
- Integration with Mail Services and Plugins: Seamlessly integrates with various mail services and plugins like MailChimp, SendGrid, SendinBlue, MailPoet, ActiveCampaign, FreshMail, MailJet, MailerLite.
- Subscription Opt-In Modes: Choose the subscription opt-in mode; default mode is single opt-in.
- Display Options: Decide whether to show the locker on mobile devices and to registered members or not.
- Content Locking: Use the pretty-locker shortcode to encase the content you want to lock.
- Bulk Actions: Easily perform bulk actions such as editing, publishing, unpublishing, and deleting lockers.
- Local Database Storage: Save subscriber emails on the local WordPress database.
- Default Sender Information: Set the default sender name and email address for all outgoing emails.
- Cookie Expiry Duration: Define the duration for the locker cookie to expire.
- Email Notifications: Receive email notifications when new leads are received.
- Terms of Use & Privacy Link: Set the link for Terms of Use & Privacy within your locker.
This plugin provides comprehensive control over content locking and lead generation, allowing customization and integration with various services for efficient subscriber management and content restriction.