Pixel Gallery Pro

Pixel gallery pro

Pixel Gallery Pro

Pixel Gallery Pro is an advanced Elementor addon designed to simplify the creation of stunning grid galleries on WordPress websites. It offers a user-friendly interface and a variety of customization options, making it easy to create visually appealing galleries with just a few clicks.

Key Features

  1. User-Friendly Interface
    • Easy to use with Elementor’s drag-and-drop functionality.
    • Intuitive customization controls to tailor your gallery to your needs.
  2. Customization Options
    • Extensive customization settings to create unique and eye-catching galleries.
    • Clean and optimized code ensuring smooth performance and easy maintenance.
  3. WPML Support
    • Fully compatible with WPML for creating multilingual galleries.
  4. Gallery Layouts
    • Offers a variety of unique and tasteful gallery layouts suitable for blogs, personal portfolios, online product galleries, and more.
  5. Widgets
    • A wide range of gallery widgets, both free and pro versions, providing flexibility and creativity in gallery design.

Available Gallery Widgets

  • Free Widgets:
    • Elixir, Epoch, Fabric, Fever, Fixer, Flame, Fluid, Glam, Glaze, Humble, Insta, Koral, Lumen, Lunar, Lytical, Marron, Mastery, Mosaic, Mystic, Nexus, Ocean, Orbit, Panda, Plex, Plumb, Punch, Ranch, Remix, Ruby, Shark, Sonic, Spirit, Tour, Trance, Turbo, Verse, Walden, Wisdom, Zilax.
  • Pro Widgets:
    • Evolve, Flash, Floral, Heron, Kitec, Maven, Menuz, Pastel, Polo, Ridex, Tread, Xero.

Each widget comes with its own unique features and customization options, allowing you to create a variety of gallery styles to match your website’s theme and purpose.


  • Eye-Catching Galleries: Create professional and visually appealing galleries that enhance the user experience on your website.
  • Flexibility: Suitable for various website types including blogs, portfolios, product galleries, and more.
  • Efficiency: Save time and effort with easy-to-use tools and pre-designed layouts.

How to Use

  1. Installation: Install and activate the Pixel Gallery Pro addon on your WordPress site.
  2. Create Gallery: Use Elementor’s drag-and-drop interface to add and customize your gallery widgets.
  3. Customize: Utilize the extensive customization options to tweak the appearance and functionality of your gallery.
  4. Publish: Once satisfied with your gallery, publish it on your website to enhance your content visually.


Pixel Gallery Pro is an essential addon for anyone looking to create stunning grid galleries on their WordPress site. With its user-friendly interface, extensive customization options, and variety of widgets, it caters to all your gallery creation needs, making your website stand out with professional and engaging galleries.

Current Version v1.4.3
Last Updated May 20, 2024
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Current Version v1.4.3
Last Updated May 20, 2024
View Original Product & Demo View Original Product & Demo

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