Current Version:

Last Updated: November 21, 2024

Peepso email digest

PeepSo Email Digest

100% Original - All Premium Features Included.

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PeepSo Email Digest: Re-Engaging and Informing Inactive Community Members

PeepSo Email Digest is a valuable plugin designed to re-engage inactive community members and boost overall engagement by delivering enticing content through newsletter-style emails. Here’s how it works and the key features it offers:

Main Features of PeepSo Email Digest:

  1. Re-Engagement Strategy: The primary goal of PeepSo Email Digest is to bring inactive users back to the community. It achieves this by sending engaging and informative email newsletters to members who haven’t logged in for a specified period, as determined by the admin. This ensures that active members are not bothered by these emails, but only inactive members receive them.
  2. Content Selection: The plugin automatically selects the most engaging posts in the community, focusing on those with the most likes and the largest number of comments. This curated content is then included in the email digest.
  3. Frequency Configuration: Admins have control over how often these email digests should be sent. This flexibility allows you to fine-tune the re-engagement strategy to best suit your community.
  4. Multimedia Content: If you have additional PeepSo plugins like Photos or Videos installed, the Email Digest emails can include relevant multimedia content, such as photos or video thumbnails.
  5. Content Customization: Admins can define the format and appearance of the email content, giving you the freedom to craft a newsletter that aligns with your community’s branding and style.
  6. Privacy Consideration: The plugin takes privacy settings into account and includes only Status Updates with “Public” or “Site Members” privacy settings in the email digest. Posts with “Friends Only” or “Only Me” settings are excluded.
  7. Opt-Out Option: Users can choose to opt out of receiving these email digests if they prefer not to receive them.
  8. Status Updates Length: Admins can set a character limit on the length of the Status Updates included in the digest, providing a teaser with a “read more” link rather than the entire post.
  9. “Most” Status Updates: The plugin offers the flexibility to include the “most liked” and “most commented on” status updates from a specified period.

PeepSo Email Digest is an effective tool to re-engage inactive community members, delivering carefully curated content that can spark their interest and draw them back into the community. This re-engagement strategy can help boost community activity, foster discussions, and strengthen overall engagement among your members.

The plugin’s consideration of privacy settings and customizable options ensure that the email digests are well-tailored to meet your community’s specific needs and preferences, providing an enhanced user experience for both active and inactive members.

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