“Offline Forms for PWA for WP” is an extension of the “PWA for WP” plugin, designed to bring the benefits of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) to WordPress and AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) sites.
- AMP Support: Full compatibility with AMPforWP & AMP for WordPress.
- Multi-Site Support: Allows usage across multiple sites in a network.
- UTM Tracking: Capability to track UTM parameters.
- OneSignal Support: Integration with OneSignal for push notifications across multisite.
- Customizable Start URL: Ability to easily change the start URL of the PWA.
- Caching Strategy: Strategies for caching PWA-enabled assets for better performance.
- Service Worker: Utilizes a service worker to handle tasks such as caching and reducing external requests.
- App Banners: Automatically prompts users to add the PWA version of the site to their home screen.
- Web App Manifest: Generates a manifest file necessary for PWA functionality.
- Offline Support: Allows the PWA version to load even when the user is offline, updating content when online.
- Full-Screen & Splash Screen: Loads in full-screen mode without browser toolbars and offers a customizable splash screen for a native app-like feel.
- Continuous Development: Ongoing updates and improvements for seamless performance.
- Dashboard System Status: Provides information on the PWA setup status.
- Application Icon Customization: Ability to upload and customize application icons.
- Splash Screen Customization: Options to modify background colors for the splash screen.
- Application Settings: Configure application name, short name, start page, device orientation, etc.
- Google Lighthouse Compatibility: Tested and works well with Google Lighthouse performance auditing.
It seems that this plugin aims to enhance the user experience by providing a more app-like feel to websites, with features for offline access, faster loading times, and customization options. It’s designed to help bridge the gap between traditional websites and the experience provided by native mobile applications.