The Network Merchants Payment Gateway plugin for WooCommerce offers seamless integration and secure processing of online transactions. Here are its key features:
Key Features:
- Seamless Integration: Easily integrates into the WooCommerce Checkout Page, providing a smooth payment experience for customers.
- On-Site Purchases: Customers remain on your website during the purchasing process, enhancing user experience and trust.
- Customization Options: Customize the title and description displayed for the payment gateway to align with your brand or preferences.
- Refunds Support: Allows refunds directly from the WooCommerce Edit Order Page, simplifying the refund process for admin users.
- Recurring Payments: Supports WooCommerce Subscriptions, enabling recurring payment setups for subscription-based services or products.
- Transaction Types: Choose between “Authorize Only” and “Sale Transaction” types based on your specific transaction needs.
- Card Type Selection: Select the specific card types supported by your merchant account.
- Sandbox and Live Modes: Easily switch between Sandbox (testing) and Live modes for different testing and production environments.
- CVV Code Requirement: Option to require Card Verification Value (CVV) code for added security.
- Google and Apple Pay Support: Enables support for Google Pay and Apple Pay, expanding payment options for customers.
- Card Field Display: Customize the display of credit card fields as inline or as a popup on the Checkout Page, providing flexibility in user interface design.
- 3DS Challenge Window: Choose to display the 3DS (3D Secure) Challenge window as inline or as a popup during the Checkout Page process, enhancing security features.
This plugin ensures a secure and customizable payment gateway integration within your WooCommerce platform, offering multiple options to tailor the payment process according to your business requirements while maintaining a high level of security for customer transactions.