The EventOn Yearly View Add-on is a great feature that lets users view all events for the entire year in a single, visually appealing layout.
Here are the key features:
- 12-Month View: All 12 months are displayed in one place, giving an overall glance at events throughout the year.
- Lightbox Events: When you click on a date, events for that day pop up in a lightbox for more detailed information.
- Quick Glance Events: You can hover over a date to see up to 3 events, color-coded based on event type.
- Hover Date Count: Hovering over a date circle shows the number of events happening on that day.
- Heat Style Circles: Dates are colorized according to the number of events on that day, providing a heat map-style view.
- Events Loading Animation: Date circles with events can be highlighted with cool, delayed animations for a more dynamic experience.
This add-on works best when used on a full-page layout to maximize its visual impact and usability.