Coaching – Life And Business Coach WordPress Theme

Coaching - life and business coach wordpress theme

Coaching – Life And Business Coach WordPress Theme

Coaching WP is a dynamic and versatile WordPress theme specifically designed for life and business coaches, speakers, mentors, trainers, therapists, and consultants. Its main objective is to help professionals in the coaching industry effectively promote their services and connect with their audience through a beautifully designed and user-friendly website.

Key Features

  1. LearnPress – WordPress LMS Plugin
    • Course Management: Powerful LMS for managing courses with a drag-and-drop curriculum builder.
    • Payment Integration: Supports multiple payment gateways including PayPal, 2CheckOut, Stripe,, and offline methods.
    • Course Features: Includes course collections, reviews/ratings, multiple question types for quizzes, student and instructor profiles, and certificates for students.
    • Multiple Instructors: Allows multiple instructors for each course.
    • Memberships: Integration with Paid Membership Pro for managing memberships.
  2. Design and Customization
    • Homepage Demos: 4+ pre-designed homepage demos with one-click importer for easy setup.
    • Page Builder: Drag & drop page builder with SiteOrigin for easy customization without coding.
    • Revolution Slider: Create stunning sliders with the included Revolution Slider.
    • Custom Widgets: Supports custom widgets and multiple column layouts.
    • Mega Menu: Enhanced navigation with an amazing mega menu.
    • Unlimited Colors: Customize your site’s color scheme to match your brand.
    • Fonts and Icons: Access to over 600 fonts and 700+ icons.
  3. Event and Countdown Management
    • Event Countdown: Built-in countdown feature for managing and promoting events.
  4. E-Commerce Support
    • WooCommerce: Fully compatible with WooCommerce for selling products and services directly from your site.
  5. Performance and SEO
    • Optimized Performance: Highly optimized for fast performance.
    • SEO Optimized: Built with SEO best practices to ensure high visibility in search engines.
  6. Responsive Design
    • Fully Responsive: Ensures your site looks great on all devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
  7. Additional Features
    • Contact Form 7: Easily create and manage contact forms.
    • WPML Ready: Fully compatible with WPML for creating multilingual websites.
    • MailChimp Integration: Integrate with MailChimp for managing your email newsletters.

Use Cases

  1. Life Coaches: Create a professional online presence to offer coaching services, share success stories, and sell courses.
  2. Business Coaches: Showcase your business consultancy services, host webinars, and manage events.
  3. Speakers and Mentors: Promote speaking engagements, workshops, and other events.
  4. Therapists and Trainers: Offer online courses and resources, manage client bookings, and promote therapy sessions.

Coaching WP is an all-in-one solution for professionals in the coaching industry looking to build a successful and engaging online presence. Its comprehensive features, flexibility, and user-friendly design make it an ideal choice for anyone looking to create a coaching website that stands out.

Current Version v3.7.6
Last Updated May 24, 2024
View Original Product & Demo View Original Product & Demo
Current Version v3.7.6
Last Updated May 24, 2024
View Original Product & Demo View Original Product & Demo

100% Original - All Premium Features Included.

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WordPress applies the GPL/GNU license to ALL plugins and themes created for WordPress by 3rd party developers. The GPL license means that every script written for WordPress and its derivatives must be free (including all plugins and Themes). Because we buy all items directly from the authors and redistribute them to the public, we are able to offer incredibly low prices for official items. The price is a one-time price for full access, not a recurring payment. Original Author Support is not included when purchased from WPGlobalMarket. You only get the File.

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