BricksExtras Premium Bricks Builder Addon is an extension for the Bricks plugin that enhances the capabilities of Bricks with additional elements and features. Here are the key features and functionalities of this add-on:
- Grid Element: This add-on introduces a new Grid element that can be easily added to your Bricks layout. Grids are a powerful way to structure and display content on your website.
- Facet Element: Another new element is the Facet element. Facets provide a way to filter various elements from Bricks, allowing you to create dynamic and interactive content filtering on your website.
- Filter Elements: The add-on enables you to filter various elements such as Posts and Products within Bricks. This means you can control what content is displayed based on specific criteria.
- Filter Container, Bloc, Div Elements: You can apply filtering not only to individual posts or products but also to larger layout components like containers, blocks, and div elements.
- Improved Filtering Performance: The add-on enhances the performance of filtering. It is designed to be faster and more efficient than using custom queries and other methods for filtering archive results.
- Grids for Bricks Archive Templates: Grids can be used to display results from Bricks archive templates, allowing you to customize the layout of archive pages.
- Pagination and Infinite Scroll: The add-on doesn’t support the “Infinite Scroll” option from Bricks for the filtered elements. However, you can implement pagination and load more content on click or scroll using facets. It’s recommended to disable the “Cache query loop” option in Bricks and consider using a pagination facet for smoother results.
Usage of the add-on is straightforward. Once activated, you’ll find two new elements in the Bricks editor: Grid and Facet. You can insert these elements into your layout to create grids and enable content filtering.
To filter Bricks elements, simply insert a Facet element and select the specific element or grid you want to filter from the dropdown list. This allows you to control and customize the content displayed on your website easily.
Overall, the “BricksExtras | Premium Bricks Builder Addon” extends the functionality of Bricks, making it easier to create dynamic and customized layouts with grids and interactive content filtering.