WooCommerce Conditional Product Fields at Checkout

Woocommerce conditional product fields at checkout

WooCommerce Conditional Product Fields at Checkout

The WooCommerce Conditional Product Fields at Checkout plugin is a powerful tool that allows you to display additional product fields at the checkout stage in your WooCommerce store. Here’s how it works and some of its key features:

How it Works:

  1. Visual Editor: The plugin provides a user-friendly visual editor that allows you to create extra product fields that will be displayed on the checkout page.
  2. Conditional Rules: You can set conditional rules to determine when and under what conditions these fields should be displayed. These conditions can be based on other field values, WooCommerce native checkout field values (like billing fields, shipping fields, or payment methods), or even the content of the field itself.
  3. Field Types: The plugin supports various field types, including Text, Textarea, Number, Email, Select/Multiselect, Date, Time, Country & State, and HTML. Each field type can be customized with CSS classes, placeholders, visibility settings for emails and order details, and more.
  4. Visibility According to Products/Categories: You can choose to display specific fields only for selected products or categories. If no products or categories are selected, the plugin will display one field for each product in the cart that matches the conditions.
  5. Display Policy: You can set the display policy for fields. Options include displaying the field per product (once per matching product), per cart quantity (N times for matching products, where N is the cart quantity), or one time (once for any matching product or category).
  6. Position: You can choose where the field will be displayed—either after the billing forms or after the shipping forms. The shipping form will be displayed only if the “Ship to a different address” option is checked during checkout.

Country & State Field Note: You can select states/provinces only for the allowed selling countries configured in the WooCommerce settings.

WPML Compatibility: The plugin is compatible with WPML, which allows you to enter different texts for each language if you’re using a multilingual setup.

Frontend Integration: The additional fields are seamlessly integrated into the frontend, appearing either in or after the billing/shipping forms based on the display policy and conditional rules. Validation messages are displayed when necessary (e.g., for mandatory fields, wrong email formats, or numeric value ranges).

Backend Integration: In the backend, the additional fields are integrated into the order details page according to their field type. One-time fields are reported under the customer’s billing/shipping details, and Product/Cart quantity fields are reported under each product to which they refer.

Note on Altered Checkout Forms: If you’ve made any alterations to your checkout forms using third-party plugins, it might interfere with this plugin’s functionality. Be aware that conflicting customizations could lead to issues.

Overall, this plugin provides extensive flexibility for enhancing your WooCommerce checkout process, allowing you to collect additional information and display fields conditionally based on your business needs.

Versione attuale 6.3
Ultimo aggiornamento July 9, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demoVisualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

 5/5
Versione attuale 6.3
Ultimo aggiornamento July 9, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demoVisualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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