Points And Rewards For WooCommerce Pro

Points and rewards for woocommerce pro

Points And Rewards For WooCommerce Pro

The Points and Rewards for WooCommerce Pro is a powerful tool to incentivize customer loyalty by granting points, allowing conversion of super cash into points, and offering an array of perks like daily login points, birthday rewards, detailed points log reports, membership benefits, and more!

Caratteristiche principali:

  1. Earning Loyalty Points: Customers can earn WooCommerce loyalty points through various activities, encouraging repeat purchases.
  2. Enhanced Customer Loyalty: Encourages customers to return and shop from the same store to accumulate and redeem rewards.
  3. Rewards for Loyalty: Grants customers rewards in exchange for their loyalty, fostering long-term relationships.
  4. Redeeming Benefits: Enables customers to redeem discounts, coupons, and more, motivating continued loyalty.

Feature Highlights:

  1. User Levels & Badges: Reward customers with badges for different levels, motivating them to earn more points and rewards.
  2. Points-based Purchases: Customers can make purchases using WooCommerce reward points, assigned to different product categories.
  3. Gamification Element: Engage users by allowing them to spin the wheel for rewards points, enhancing interaction and excitement.
  4. Product-specific Points: Assign reward points to products and categories through the plugin settings.
  5. Multi-Level Memberships: Create multiple membership tiers, offering various WooCommerce loyalty points as incentives for joining.
  6. Referral Purchase Points: Customers earn points when their referrers make purchases using referral links.
  7. API Integration: Complete user details for integrating the plugin with other applications via API settings.
  8. Role-based Points Usage: Admin can assign roles and allow specific user roles to access the plugin’s points and rewards features.
  9. Restricting Points: Restrict customers from earning points on items they’ve purchased by redeeming existing rewards.
  10. Points Expiry: Set expiration periods for earned WooCommerce points using the plugin’s settings.
  11. Assigning Points Retroactively: Assign points to previous orders, both current and old, using the plugin.

With Points and Rewards for WooCommerce Pro, merchants gain a comprehensive loyalty program, empowering them to encourage repeat purchases, engage customers, and foster loyalty through a versatile points and rewards system.

Versione attuale 1.2.6
Ultimo aggiornamento July 31, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo
 5/5
Versione attuale 1.2.6
Ultimo aggiornamento July 31, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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