MasterStudy LMS PRO – Learning Management System PRO

Masterstudy lms pro

MasterStudy LMS PRO – Learning Management System PRO

MasterStudy LMS PRO

MasterStudy LMS Learning Management System PRO is a feature-rich WordPress plugin designed to empower you to create, manage, and sell online courses effectively. Here are some of the key features and functionalities it offers:

  1. Drag-and-Drop Course Builder: Easily create and customize your online courses using a user-friendly drag-and-drop course builder on the front end of your website.
  2. Enhanced Learning Experience: Elevate the learning experience by incorporating a wide range of content types such as text, videos, slides, online streams, and Zoom meetings or webinars directly into your course pages.
  3. Diverse Quiz Types: Create engaging quizzes with various question types, including single-choice, item matching, specific keywords, true or false, multiple choice, fill-in-the-gap, and image matching/image choice.
  4. Assess Student Progress: Assess your students’ progress with two assessment types: essays and uploads. This allows you to gauge their understanding and performance.
  5. Student Management: Effectively manage your students by enrolling them in courses and monitoring their progress and activity.
  6. Point-Based System: Motivate your learners by implementing a point-based system. You can reward students for their achievements with custom certificates that showcase their skills and accomplishments.
  7. Structured Course Content: Organize your e-learning content with structured, step-by-step instruction that includes specific schedules or lesson progression.
  8. Communication Tools: Communicate with your students through direct messages, announcements, and email notifications. Stay connected with your learners and keep them informed.
  9. Customizable Email Messages: Personalize your email messages using a variety of custom tags and events, allowing you to create clear and concise communication with your students.
  10. Email Branding: Customize the appearance of your email messages using special Email Branding, or use default templates for a consistent and appealing email experience.
  11. Integration with Popular Resources: Create lessons with live content and videos from well-known platforms such as YouTube, Vimeo, Zoom for webinars and meetings, and Google Classroom for real-time classes.

MasterStudy LMS PRO is a versatile solution for individuals or organizations looking to provide high-quality online courses and learning experiences. It offers a wide range of features to streamline the course creation and management process, ensuring a seamless and engaging learning environment for your students.

Versione attuale v4.5.0
Ultimo aggiornamento September 1, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

 5/5
Versione attuale v4.5.0
Ultimo aggiornamento September 1, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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