ITS Jewellery Price Plugin

Its jewellery price plugin

ITS Jewellery Price Plugin

The ITS Jewellery Price Plugin for WooCommerce offers a convenient solution for managing jewelry product prices based on fluctuating precious metal rates. Here’s an overview of its features and usage:


  1. Product Compatibility:
    • Works seamlessly with both simple and variable products.
  2. Metal Price Input Fields:
    • Provides three input fields (weight, making charge, wastage charge) for each metal on the product edit page.
  3. Price Calculation:
    • Utilizes a standard formula to calculate product prices based on the provided metal input fields.
  4. Price Change Logs:
    • Records changes in metal prices separately in a metal price log and product price log, providing a history of alterations.
  5. Variable Product Integration:
    • Updates additional information on the variable product page upon variant selection.

Pro Features:

  1. Metal Management:
    • Allows for adding an unlimited number of metals.
    • Automatically creates respective product attributes while adding metals.
  2. Additional Functionality:
    • Discount feature available.
    • Provides extra fields on the product edit page.
  3. Enhanced Support:
    • Multi-currency support.
    • Bulk price update feature.
  4. Detailed Tracking:
    • Offers detailed logs for tracking changes and updates.
  5. Customization Options:
    • Metal unit options available.


  1. [itsjp_price_breakup]: Displays price breakup.
  2. [itsjp_price_breakup show="popup"]: Shows price breakup in a popup.
  3. [itsjp_metal_rate]: Displays today’s metal prices.
  4. [itsjp_metal_rate template="table" caption="Market Price Today" metal_head="Details" rate_head="Rate/gm"]: Displays today’s metal prices in a table format.
  5. [itsjp_metal_rate template="marquee" caption="Market Price Today" metal_head="Details" rate_head="Rate/gm"]: Displays today’s metal prices in marquee style.

Add-On Feature:

  • Provides price breakup details on simple and variable product pages.
  • Shows the price breakup below the “Add to Cart” button in the default WooCommerce product template.

How to Use:

  1. Installation:
    • Install and activate the WooCommerce plugin.
    • Activate the ITS Jewellery Price Plugin and obtain a license key.
  2. Data Entry:
    • Enter required data (metal weight, making charge, wastage charge) on the product edit page.
  3. Metal Price Update:
    • Go to ITS Jewellery Price settings and update the current metal prices.
    • The plugin will automatically update prices for products associated with the specified metals.

Remember to evaluate the trial license key for a limited period before full implementation.

Versione attuale 2.1.0
Ultimo aggiornamento July 9, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo
 5/5
Versione attuale 2.1.0
Ultimo aggiornamento July 9, 2024
Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo Visualizza il prodotto originale e la demo

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